Subtle Savages





Savanger Hunt
Team T.P.P Trailer Park Posse

GET AS MANY OF THESE ITEMS AS YOU CAN FOR A BETTER CHANCE AT WINNING!! CREATIVITY COUNTS!! "TEAM" means YOUR team! If it says 'bonus' then add ONE extra point! Add ONE additional point if your ENTIRE team is in the pic!

1. A picture of someone taking a picture - bonus if the are taking a pic of you! - 2 pts

2. Team by a stop sign - 1 pt

3. Team by a street sign with a bike on it - 2 pts

4. Another biker on a bike, biking - bonus if you are riding too! - 1 pt

5. An American flag - 1 pt

6. Team by a mural painted on the side of a building - 3 pts

7. Team by some Graffiti - 3 pts

8. A giant construction crane - 2 pts

9. A church steeple - 2 pts

10. A water tower on top of a building -3 pts

11. A neon Budweiser sign with a frog on it - 4 pts

12. Someone wearing a bandana - 2 pts
See 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, Mystery 1, 2, 4, 9 (stolen from KATHY MURPHY!)
13. Team by a high end foreign vehicle (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, etc) - 4 pts

14. Team chasing a goose - bonus points if the goose is attacking back - 2 pts

15. Someone eating a plate of wings - bonus if it is your team - 3 pts

16. A team member pouring beer from a Blue Moon beer tapper - 5 pts

17. A motorcycle inside a bar - 3 pts

18. Team inside of a bathroom - 5 pts

19. Team posing in a bed of flowers - 3 pts

20. A framed picture of a tornado - 2 pts

21. A cheers with a PBR - bonus points if a team member shotguns it! - 4 pts

22. Team by a Rail Road Crossing sign - 2 pts

23. Team next to a person fishing - bonus if you are the one fishing - 5 pts

24. Someone sliding into home plate - 6 pts

25. Someone walking thru a drive thru window - bonus if you get food! - 5 pts

26. Team member 'making a call' from a pay phone - 7 pts

27. Team recreating a fight scene - 3 pts

28. A photo of team doing a random Captain Morgan pose - 1 pt
See 8, 10, 11, 13, 19, Mystery 10
29. Team member pumping a stranger's gas - 10 pts

30. Team sliding down a playground slide - 5 pts

31. Team with a Sinclair Dinosaur - 7 pts

32. Team doing the YMCA in front of a YMCA - 5 pts

33. Team by a clock tower - 3 pts

34. Team by a Fat Tire neon sign which features the Fat Tire Bike - 3 pts

35. Team with the Fearless Subtle Savage Leader! 1 pt

Savanger Hunt MYSTERY CLUES Find as many of these as you can for BONUS POINTS!!!
*add ONE additional point to each item if your ENTIRE TEAM is in the picture! For #1 and #7, if you get at least ONE team member in the pic, add a point!

1. To Cub Fans and sports fans alike, Harry Carry is larger than life - find him and take a team pic with him. - 10 points

2. On a bridge over troubled water, the King of the Jungle protects his Village - find him and get your team's photo with him. - 5 points

3. Say Hia to all the dead people as you cross the road along the trail and take a team pick by the city sign that announces their location in this city connecting to CR to the north. - 10 points

4. "No dumbass, we don't grow potatoes in Iowa, we grow corn"…Flying Corn in fact! Find it and snap a team photo with it! - 5 points

5. In a Parlor in the City, a Native of our America protects the ride we cherish - take a pick with both him and the ride and your team all together. - 5 points

6. The Flood of 2008 took his original red "home", but Mr. Z isn't blue anymore, even though his new place is. Find him and take a team picture with him. (if he is not to be found then a pic in his place will have to do). - 5 or 10 points

7. Prince sang about a red one in the 80's. This one is NOT red but it's all decked out in neon…and how in the hell did Rick get it up there??? Find it and try to get at least one team member in the pick with it. - 5 points

8. The Mighty Cedar provides the scenic view from this Tavern. Ride here and dip your tires "RAGBRAI" style, and get the team's picture dipping (their tires not themselves)! - 5 points

9. It's big and it's red and it looks like its on fire when it is flying down the road wide open at 55! Locate it and grab a team pic with it! - 5 points

10. Ok - so it is crunch time and I have run out of clever ideas to get to ten clues…so find the biggest and/or coolest representation of Hawkeye spirit you can find along your route and get your ENTIRE team pic with it for a final 10 points! (this clue is not eligible for the bonus point - it's the entire team or no points)

The winners and the host with the prize!