Subtle Savages





Subtle Savages Messageboard Archive

OMG what is this old crap take me back to the Message Board.

Date: 01/13/04 05:55 PM
Name: John Dulle
Email: john@joh&#
Message:Crap! I accidentally overwrote the old message board and lost the old messages. So let me try to remember what they said and Aaron can correct me where i am wrong. BRR Ride Feb 4th leaving at 9am from Zimmerman body shop on Council st. If you have not gone on this ride before it is way fun (and drunken). Following weekend there is a ski trip...ask Aaron for details or Aaron please repost. Sorry I will remember to make a copy of the page from now on.
Date: 01/14/04 03:25 PM
Name: Ya-Jeffa
Message:BRR is Feb. 7 and the ski trip is Feb. 9 I also would recommend talking to Aaron about any details or questions you have. Be there or else...
Date: 01/14/04 11:05 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: That is right Jeff. BRR is the 7th. There will be a lot of old dusty Savages on this ride as well as Team Stiff. Have you ever seen a dusty Stiff? We plan to leave from Zimmerman's Body shop at 9:00am sharp. After the bike ride in Perry we will load up and spend the night at the AmericInn in Grimes, Iowa. If you are going and need a room, drop me a line. I need to know how many rooms to book.
Date: 01/17/04 01:20 AM
Name: Tommy
Message:I heart B words!!! Let me know the B words that you enjoy!!
Date: 01/17/04 01:31 AM
Name: Tommy
Message:Every group of friends has a chubby wing man. That HERO is Zach. I do not use the words Wing Man lightly. Zach will keep the nastiest, ugliest girl busy so a fellow team member can work it. Here's to you Chubby Wing Guy, you keep us looking good and getting back!!!!! Saaaaaaalllluuuutttteee!!!
Date: 01/18/04 02:10 PM
Name: Mr. Hanky
Message:A Savage ski trip sounds like a great idea... when and where??
Date: 01/22/04 12:25 PM
Name: John
Message:Hey Savage Members be sure and go and enter your email address into the email distribution list! This will make it super easy to get a hold of everyone by email...without know anyone's address. If you have not checked it out under the members login you can send an email to everyone on the list. Click Join Email list on the Menu and DO IT NOW!
Date: 01/24/04 05:27 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: Lets go skiing! We will meet at Red Lobster in Cedar Rapids at 9:00 am on Monday, the 9th of Feb. The plan is to take the bus to Galina, IL. Once there we will ski and do all the other clever things we do until late in the afternoon. We will then enjoy a relaxing bus ride back to Cedar Rapids, (eta 9:30) where you will then get out of the bus and go back to work and your families. I am not sure of the cost but I am sure there will be a note posted after this one with all the information and I do know the bus ride will be 15 bucks. This will be two short days after BRR so keep training those livers. The way I see it... it wont be winter forever so we better enjoy it while we can. Call me with any concerns. xoxoxo Aaron 551 7898
Date: 01/29/04 10:59 AM
Name: John
Message:I got some bad news :( I got laid off this week. So if you know of any job opportunities for a soon to be unemployed network/web designer guy let me know or direct people to my website at and go under resume.
Date: 01/29/04 02:00 PM
Name: aaron
Message: The deal for sking is this. Lift ticket, $30 Ski and boots, $25, and the bus ride is $15. If we get 20 people they are going to knock off $15 off the price the lift and the rental. It looks at this point that we are close to 13 people so tell your friends.
Date: 01/30/04 07:06 AM
Message:John, Was it the "cold/code calling" or was business just slow? :) See ya at pizza night. P.S. Amy said maybe we can pass a hat.
Date: 01/30/04 10:44 AM
Name: John
Message:It was a combination of the 2 things I think. They told me that it was because business was slow. I work through next week to finish there website that I made from scratch gratitude for ya.
Date: 01/30/04 07:56 PM
Name: John
Message:The route is out and we are staying in Hiawath one night woot! check out
Date: 01/31/04 12:10 AM
Name: Teresa
Message:Anyone going on the ski trip who is not going to ski? I'm trying to decide if I'm going. I will need a drinking buddy in the lodge.
Date: 01/31/04 11:25 AM
Name: aaron
Message: I like to ski for awhile and then I like to make out in the ski lodge for the rest of the day. Is that something you would be interested in? Let me know. xoxo A
Date: 01/31/04 02:15 PM
Name: Teresa
Message:So Aaron has the afternoon covered.....any bidders for the morning shift? I'm in if I'll have someone to fondle at all times!
Date: 02/01/04 12:56 PM
Name: John
Message:Teresa I'm not a huge skiing fan either. I have not decided if I'm gonna ski or not but I will definitely be able to keep you company in the lodge.
Date: 02/04/04 02:21 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Some final instruction for BRR. Brian will be at the Zimmerman body shop Friday night after 5:00. You can go there at that time and load your bike and gear if you do not want to do it in the morning. I would like to pull out in the morning at 9:00 so you will need to be loaded (your gear...not you personaly) and ready to go. One advantage of loading Friday night is that the bus will be inside. This time of year that will be nice. Any questions call me. 551 7898
Date: 02/12/04 09:09 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: Dear Savages, Thank you all for a wonderfull weekend. I had a great time. Soon we will put some of the pictures one the web sight.
Date: 02/13/04 10:47 AM
Name: DonnaJ
Message:Hey guys! Hope you had a great time skiing last weekend. Sorry I blew of of town as fast as my four wheels could go....I figured one more bus trip and I may just stay in CR and not look for a job. Send me pics if you have any. Next siting will be around Stiff Ride I think??? you just never know XOXO
Date: 02/14/04 09:14 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: The next adventure is on the horizen. The Savages will be appearing at the annual Cedar Rapids St. Patrick's parade on Wednesday, March 17th. We have teamed up with the Freeway Lounge... a classy yet economical place to start a good beer buzz on a March morning. The fine people at the Freeway Lounge are going to decorate the bus and have invited us to ride in the parade with them. For those of you who have not been in a parade now is your time to be somebody. So far I have reservations for 9 Savages. Just so many can fit on the bus so let me know soon if you would like to be one of them.
Date: 03/31/04 09:04 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: It's time to bike. Tommy and I will be biking the April Fools ride this Saturday (April 3rd) in LaPorte. If we have enough or not we are going to take the bus. Let's get up out of CR by 10:30... so if you can make it, let me know. Go to for more information on the ride. We want to leave at a decent time but we don't want to leave anyone behind, so let us know if the time frame will cause any problems.
Date: 04/08/04 07:28 AM
Name: Carrie
Message:John Dulle can work his computer like nobody's business- thanks for getting me in John. Every helpless female can use a good workover and save by a computer dude. Lots of love to all you crazy savages- your website is much tamer than you all are in realtime. ck
Date: 04/16/04 11:14 AM
Name: Zach
Message:Hello one and all. We have found flame helmets that are pretty cool. The price is yet to be detremined on them but it won't be more than $45.00. You can try one on at Cedar Valley Sports in Cedar Rapids. Ask for Brian or leave him a message on which size you'll need. It sounds like the more we buy the less they will be. If you want to see a picture of them go to, go to the adult section and then fireball. We are getting the red/yellow flames. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Z
Date: 04/20/04 07:29 PM
Name: Tim Hayek
Message:Aaron, I'm drinking beer and talking to Mitch on the phone tonight. The photos on the site are great, better than most porn sites I have visited lately. Let me know what is happening with the savages. Tim
Date: 04/27/04 04:33 PM
Name: Autumn
Email: Autumn_Dana@MSN.COM
Message:It's my birthday on Saturday and a bunch of us are going out and about. I'm not sure of where we are gathering yet, so I will let ya'll know more when I do. (Don will be in town too) Later.
Date: 04/29/04 03:12 PM
Name: Autumn
Message:It looks like we will be meeting at Casa Las Glorias between 8:00 and 8:30 on Sat., May 1st. If it is decent in during the day, there are talks of throwing together a ride. Let me know if you are interested. 849-3853. See ya!
Date: 05/29/04 09:39 AM
Name: Heather
Message:Tonmorrow, Sunday May at Bill's in Lisbon around noon. Ride will go from Lisbon to Sutliff to Solon and back. See you there! Call me if you have any questions....431-5741.
Date: 05/31/04 04:29 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Hola Savages, Happy Birthday Tommy, It appears that we have our Savage sh@& together. We have had success with the spring rides and we look great as far as training and the bus are concerned. The Second annual "Subtle Savage Rash Ride" is coming up June 12th and I hope to see everyone of you there. I am making arrangements to take care of all of you (as only I can do) so don't be afraid to make unreasonable demands. This is our signature ride so I cannot impress on you enough how important it is that we are all there, biking strong, and drunk beyond belief. If you have not registered already, do it now right now. I will need a couple of volunteers between now and the 12th to take care of a couple of bus issues. I have "high tech" and "low tech" details so get with me to receive your assignment... if you choose to accept it. xoxoxo Aaron
Date: 06/10/04 03:25 PM
Name: Zach
Email: ????????
Message:Hello one and all. We are going to be ordering the flame helmets on Monday the 14th. This weekend at the RASH Ride will be the last opportunity to get your sizes into Aaron, Tommy, or myself. If you need to see a picture of them, see my last message dated 04/16/04. You can size them at Cedar Valley Sports. I'll see you all ay Indy. xoxoxoxo Z
Date: 06/12/04 03:40 PM
Name: Jeff and Teresa Julich
Message:Jeff and I are in mourning today because we are not at the RASH ride. Don't worry though, we plan to load our pants with gold bond and drink ourselves into a stupor tonight in honor of our dearest fellow savages. Brian should have our sizes for flame helmets. Just let us know how much we owe. Plus, don't forget to let us know what we need for this years theme day. Until we meet again..........
Date: 07/14/04 09:43 PM
Name: Amy
Message:Here's some info for Ragbrai this year. The Ride for the whole week costs $160. If you can't make the whole week, each day runs $20 and if you need a ride out/back those days cost $40. Team shirts/tanks $15; cheerleading outfits with Savage logo and pom poms $46; hats $20; helmets $42; shorts $15; and jerseys are yet to be determined ((around $25 (I have to pick them up yet)). Let me know if you have any other questions. Oh, we will be riding out on Saturday at 10:30 am. Get here on time:) Our address: 1260 10th Ave; Marion.
Date: 07/22/04 06:56 PM
Name: kelly
Message:I love your t-shirts this year! I miss you guys. Next year I promise I will be strong!! Have fun and I wish I could ride.
Date: 08/02/04 06:20 PM
Name: Autumn
Message:Good game everybody! Heh Beverly, how's your labia:) It was an awesome week but by the end I was thinking I wasn't cut out for that much partying. Now after one day back at reality, I think I'll have to give it another try. You guys are the best. See you soon.
Date: 08/03/04 01:08 PM
Name: Heather
Message:Autumn, who you trying to fool???? It was a blast....thanks to everyone for the great time!
Date: 08/03/04 03:22 PM
Name: Amy
Message:That's right Autumn & Heather, Ragbrai kicked ass. So, I better see you two and all the other crazy savages there next year. And, of course, at all the other events throughout the year. P.S. If anyone hears anything about upcoming bike rides, events, or whatever else, post them on the messageboard. Life after Ragbrai sucks, and maybe it doesn't have to.
Date: 08/06/04 02:53 PM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Hey Savages - thanks for taking in this lost and shivering-with-sunburn DAWG on Tuesday night. I appreciate all the cold ones, support, well-wishes, and naturally, all the fun offered me by all the hot, hot ladies on the team EEEERRRRRRRR that was just a fantasy, never mind that last bit. Aaron and Amy are recruiting GODS. Looking forward to donning the flames next year!
Date: 08/09/04 12:55 PM
Name: Kristan Gunter
Message:Hey all! RAGBRAI was a blast! A virgin no more, I am ready for next year! How many more days until RAGBRAI 2005? Too many, that's for sure. I just wanted to drop a quick line to those of you who have asked that I post my grandparents address so you could send them a thank you for the great lunch my Nanna made on our stop in the metropolis of Eagle Grove! They called and told me that they really enjoyed having you all there -- Nanna lives for that kind of stuff. And she says "HI" to everyone. Anyway, here is the low-down: Chub & Gladys Kroon, 1214 W. Broadway, Eagle Grove, IA 50533. Drop a line if you want to, but don't feel like you have to. Give Joe and I a ring anytime you want to go and have a little fun - we would always be up for partying with a Savage. I am at 389-0555 and Joe is 361-3388. Ciao!
Date: 08/09/04 05:02 PM
Name: John
Email: john@joh&#
Message:If anyone is looking for rides this weekend there are some good ones in Cedar Falls. This is the Cedar Valley trails festival there is Cedar Trails Festival C.A.R.A.T Ride 10 mile ride but goes by several bars on the 14th. The night ride that evening which is 10 miles long in the dark but the path is lit by candles (very cool). That on the 15 there is a poker ride which is pretty fun as well. When I lived up in CF I went on all of these rides and they are very fun. I am going to be in St.Louis this weekend so I will not be able to attend. If you want more info go to Bike Iowa
Date: 08/10/04 08:56 AM
Name: Heather
Message:I have a friend looking for a used men's bike...does anyone have one that they want to sell or know of anyone that is selling one? Give me a call at 431-5741 or shoot me an email.
Date: 08/11/04 08:26 PM
Name: Brian Points
Message:Hey Guys. I know this is kind of short notice but some of the Tallywhackers are putting together a moonlight ride for this Friday, the 13th. Basic plan is to meet at the Cedar Valley Trail head on Boyson Rd, ride to Center Point, hit the bar, get boozed up, ride back. There will be mandatory safety checks along the way, music, and a sag vehicle just in case. And yes, we realize the trail is closed part of the way up, and we have it under control. So if anyone is interested shoot me an e-mail and I will let you know if anything else comes up. And once again, thanks for another great year. I think we all did it right once again. Oh, and if you haven't done so check out the "Best time on RAGBRAI" posts under RAGBRAI memories on We got some....interesting press.
Date: 08/12/04 10:12 AM
Name: Amy
Message:Ok, Bissels, it's that time of year again when I need to get a head count on who's all in for Ocktober fest this year. For those of you who have never been to fest (and I don't know why!), here's the drill: Boys ride up in the Savage bus (check with Aaron on leave time that Friday) and girls ride up in one vehicle, most likely a van. Girls will leave Friday afternoon sometime (I'll let you know when the time approaches). Once we get to LaCrosse, WI (our destination), we will continue to party like rock stars and eventually meet up with the boys somewhere. For sleeping arrangements, we have a houseboat with 4 bedrooms and lots of floor space. On Saturday, we get up for the fest parade and party on the Savage bus that's parked on the parade route. After the "4hr" parade, we head uptown to continue with our drinking binge. This fest weekend is one you don't want to miss. So, who's in? Chickies, email me. Boys, email Aaron (
Date: 08/12/04 10:31 AM
Name: aaron
Message: Good Game everyone.
Date: 08/16/04 11:41 AM
Name: Heather
Message:Amy, what weekend is it?
Date: 08/16/04 11:38 PM
Name: Amy
Message:Heather, Oops! Ocktober fest is September 24th, 25th. I knew I would leave out something ...
Date: 08/17/04 07:32 AM
Name: Amy
Message:Football season is here and with that in mind we are taking our bus to the Iowa vs Iowa State game in Iowa City Sept 11th. We usually park off of Olive Ct in the grassy knoll area. Rumour has it that that area is restricted for busses this year, but hopefully not. Anyone hear anything about that?
Date: 08/18/04 11:18 PM
Name: John
Message:The Following message was sent to us: All are invited to join us for a bus ride to Bucks in Cedar Rapids to celebrate our 2nd place RAGBRAI win (see attached article ) view pictures, and to help thank them for the donation they gave us. Let me know if you're interested! Howdy fellow twisters! I think it has been decided on having the party at Bucks on Friday September 3. There has been some talk about taking the bus from Dave and Becky's home to the bar. We can set up a meet and a approx leave time beforehand if enough people are interested. Seems like a pretty safe alternative to having everyone drinking and driving - let me know if you are interested. Also could someone please forward this to the other team members and guests (the more the merrier). It has also been suggested to invite the savages, blue bunny and the chickenman, if anyone has contacts please pass it on. Don't forget your pictures!! Jeff p.s. I think we may get drink specials and I will check to see if they have a kitchen
Date: 08/24/04 12:12 PM
Name: Heather
Message:Is anyone riding the Team Irish ride on Saturday? I think I am going to...they are meeting at Nancy's at 11-12 and going from there. Let me know....
Date: 08/24/04 06:26 PM
Name: John
Message:Heather - I would like to go as well. I may have some other commitment that I have forgotten about but for now I will tenatively say I plan on attending.
Date: 08/25/04 10:07 AM
Name: Heather
Message:Yippee! I am going to ride my bike over there from my house. Call me if you want to join me...431-5741
Date: 08/26/04 07:15 AM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:There's a neat ride coming up on Sunday, 05 September in North Liberty/Iowa City called the Back of the Pack Ride. I'm gonna do the drive out from Chi-town and make that my last Iowa ride for the season - I'll buy all Savages several cold ones. Any takers?
Date: 08/26/04 07:18 AM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:OOP ACK - see for details on that ride.
Date: 08/26/04 04:03 PM
Name: Heather
Message:Free beer? I'm there....
Date: 08/26/04 04:32 PM
Name: Amy
Message:I love it when people feed me free beer and tell me to have a good time. Count me in Roy! And I still have Savage wear with your name on it:) P.S. I like Coors Light!!!!
Date: 08/26/04 09:28 PM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Done and Done, gals. Amy, make mine XXL and I'll see you all there! HOOAH!
Date: 08/30/04 06:49 PM
Name: John
Message:Are we taking the bus to the ride on sunday in North Liberty? I plan on going if we are not taking the bus I may ride there if anyone else is interested.
Date: 08/30/04 11:44 PM
Name: Amy
Message:John, We are taking the bus to the Back of the Pack ride. Still figuring out a time. We'll write more soon .......
Date: 09/02/04 11:50 PM
Name: Amy
Message:Ok all. We are leaving our house at 10:30am on Sunday if anyone is interested in riding with us on the bus to the BOP ride. Any questions, post them.
Date: 09/03/04 08:35 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey,Amy. I just read this in the Daily Iowan: Festivities on the field located at the south end of Olive Court, normally open at 7 a.m., will continue this year - said Margaret Tuthill, who manages the lot for her family - but at an increase from $15 to $20 per parking space. So that answers your question regarding parking for the bus for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game! GO CYCLONES!!! See you all Sunday!
Date: 09/06/04 12:41 PM
Name: Andy
Message:... it was fortuitous that I met John Dulle(or is that Duly? ... or perhaps Doolie ... or, maybe, Dualie ... anyway, I met John) in a bar with Heather by his side. There was an instant connection that can only be had with one who "knows", a simple nod of the head, a raising of an eyebrow, the quaffing of yet another malted beverage. In my haste to gaze down the blouse of the lovely Heather, I missed his question, "So, Heather says that you ride bikes.". After forcing him to repeat the question, I proudly rose up to my full height of 4 feet, 28 inches, puffed out my chest and said, "Yep.". "Cool." was the reply accompanied by "The Nod". By this time the music was making such small talk rather difficult but we persevered. Eventually, there came the time to do the gentlemanly thing - no, not that. We exchanged numbers. A suggestion was made that we go to "Woodies" and enjoy the fine collection of bums, boobs & beavers. Since I had things to do early the next day, and John was drunk, we told Heather, "thanks for the invitation, maybe some other time. All went home. Saturday came and went as Saturday's often do and I embarked on a Subtle campaign to worm my way into a lovely lady's confidence (and points south) - yeah, I was Subtle (geddit?). Upon retiring after the opening salvo I chanced upon a phone message from John (you see? Guys do call.) inviting me to the Liberty ride. I was supposed to be at Aaron's house in time for a 10:30 departure (I actually thought that 10:30 meant ... 10:30). Upon knocking at the door I was greeted by the twin spectacle of Amy & Autumn, a most pleasant greeting I must say. We did the usual "getting to know you" kind small talk as they went about preparing for "The Ride". Eventually, the cast of characters arrived, preparations were made and we were off. I guess that I had my first beer at around 10:45 (a little early for me but it had to be noon somewhere in the world). We partied non-stop for the rest of the day and night. I tried to pace myself and keep from saying too many stupid things (I took big swigs from a nice big cup of shut the fuck up). Oh yeah, we actually rode our bikes and I got a glimpse of just how talented a group of riders the Subtle Savages are. Friendly too. You guyz have made me feel very comfortable and accepted and I appreciate that. This FNG looks forward to a long and happy relationship. Thank you Aaron, Amy, Autumn, John, Tommie, Mark, Corey, Don, Kristen, Joe and anyone else whose name I forgot 'cuz I was drinking when I was introduced (damn that short term memory). I hope to live up to the high Savage standards. Salud.
Date: 09/07/04 11:39 AM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Salud right back at ya, Andy! Great meeting you and making my defection to the House of Savage official at the BOP Ride. I had a riot and ended up making it back to Chicago by 2210. Next time, I'm arranging a couch and staying 'til morning. Remember - you bring the Bass, I'll bring the Guinness - black and tans all around. Beer snobs unite! A great time was had by all I can remember seeing - looking forward to the BRR in February.
Date: 09/07/04 05:41 PM
Name: Corey
Message:Hey guys this is Corey from Team Blonde, wondering if you are going to the Iowa Iowa State game. We are going and looking to get a couple of teams together. What do you think?
Date: 09/08/04 11:07 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: It is fo shizzle the bus will be in position for Iowa-Iowa State. The lovely Jill from team Bud was able to hook us up with a bus pass where the "cool kids" get to party near the Recreation Building. I will be driving down Friday night to secure the deal and to make sure that I am the drunkest guy on campus. I will need all the enablers that the bus can carry so if you want to go with me, be to our evil lair by 10pm Friday night. We have dead hooker storage for 7 so the rest we will have to stack. Let me know if you want to be one of my bitches. I will see the rest of you Saturday morning. We will have 3 T.V.s, no food for the game and limited amount of lawn furniture. If you plan to sit or eat you may want to think about it and figure something out. The bus will be returning some time that afternoon so we can all get back to our action packed lives. I hope to see all of you there and the greatest tail gate party of the world. xoxoxo Aaron
Date: 09/10/04 10:04 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: Iowa, Iowa state update; We now have an empty rental house to stay in that is just off Melrose. There will be a 16 person hot tub, pool, sauna, and massage theropy.... not realy, but it will beat staying in the bus. Call Amy for more details after 5. 551 7897
Date: 09/13/04 02:48 PM
Name: Andy Terrell
Message:According to the ride calendar, there is a party ride to celebrate the end of the "Dawg Days of Summer". This is to occur on the 25th of Sept. Are there any Subtle plans to attend?? I'll be back in town by then ... just askin'.
Date: 09/14/04 10:28 AM
Name: Heather
Message:The SmokeEaters (aka CR Firefighters) are planning a ride on Friday, Sept 24th....Starting in Urbana around 2:30 at the Ozone bar, riding to Center Point and then Lafayette where the bus will be waiting with cold beverages. After a drinking break, heading to Sammy's to begin the Happy Hour tour of CR...breaking off the trail at H Ave to Mahoneys then to Dublin downtown.... If you can't get off work to start at 2:30, give me a call on my cell phone and meet up with us later...431-5741. Hope the game was fun, sure missed being there!!!!
Date: 09/16/04 04:16 PM
Name: John
Message:Hey does anyone want to go to the ride from Brandon to Laporte City and back? There are 2 bands playing sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I would like to ride up there and hitch a ride back. Any takers? It the first annual "Sloof" ride posted on Heather I am also planning on going on the smoke eaters ride...those guys rock. I don't work on friday are they taking there bus up to start in urbana?
Date: 09/20/04 08:56 PM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Oi! Does anyone have any pics from the Back of the Pack ride from two Sundays ago? Please send them along to the email above! Cheers! (burp)
Date: 09/28/04 05:38 PM
Name: John
Message:As it turned out Randy lied to us about having a website No just kidding he emailed and said he is having some DNS issues and the site will be down temporarily. So check it out soon to see some great Oktoberfest pictures...including some of my lost liver.
Date: 09/30/04 06:45 PM
Name: John
Message:For all of you scientist out there as I was travelling the Internet I found the most profound explanation of why the ozone layer is depleting and I quote... Put simply there are too many poor people said the spokesman. Poor people all breathing at the same time causes giant greenhouses to form in the atmosphere killing ozones. The only solution to the problem is to burn the poor people.
Date: 10/07/04 09:54 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: It looks like another Indee ride this weekend. This will be a benifit ride for Erin Henderson who left behind a six month old little girl. The ride will start from Pats Tap in Independence at 1:00 on Saturday. The bus will be there for support but it will not be returning to Cedar Rapids after the party, so getting home should be on your mind before we leave. Too drunk to drive home? We have made arangement with savage Chris Isham who will be kind enough to open the big house (two blocks away) for us all to stay Saturday night. This is the same house where we all stayed after the Rash rides and is described as "a sweet deal". There wont be enough beds to go around but there is more floor space than the UNI dome so bring your bed role. That is all I have for you now. Give me a call if you need any more information 551 7898. You can also check Bike Iowa for details. I hope to see all of you Saturday and we will have a big party. xoxo Aaron
Date: 10/07/04 11:41 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:P.S. Karen, Riley, and Donna will be hosting a pillow fight at the big house after the bike ride and bar festivities. Girls, don't forget your pillows......................
Date: 10/26/04 11:05 AM
Name: Jihn
Message:Tallywhackers Halloween ride is on Saturday. Starts 11:00ish at Paddy O Rourkes. Costumes are encouraged. If you do not wear one that means you hate fun. This will be fun so show up...that is all.
Date: 10/26/04 02:53 PM
Name: Heather Kramer
Message:Don't forget to vote...preferably for John Kerry & John Edwards! John, wish I could go, but I will be in Oklahoma City this weekend.
Date: 10/27/04 01:57 PM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Can't make the Tallywhacker's Ride - but agreed, don't forget to vote - for Bush/Cheney. It's YOUR paycheck.... and it's our war to lose, now...
Date: 11/01/04 07:35 AM
Name: Andy Terrell
Message:My hat's off to the Tallywackers for a truly fun Halloween Ride this ... er, Halloween. The people were very funny in their costumes and the beer was cold (as was the weather). I smile when I remember the hot political discussions over frosty brews ... the statements of position ... the justification of same. However, I must say that it's unfair for women to use their feminine wiles to entice men to take political positions favorable to their own. It's unfair because men will say anything (yes, anything) to gain favor when a lovely woman is batting her baby blues (or browns, or greens, or hazels - yum). All I can say is that it's a good thing that the voting booth is private. That means that I can say what I want, even if it's to say, "Yes maam". Oh yeah, will those who "tossed their cookies" at least once during that day please raise your hands? Come on, don't leave me hanging out here ... the blood's draining out of my arm.... This has been a paid political announcement.
Date: 12/02/04 02:25 PM
Name: John
Message:Hey Everybody. Back from Mexico and it was a blast. I am going to put a section on the picture page for Aaron and Amys wedding so if you have any pictures send them to me.
Date: 12/11/04 01:03 AM
Name: Mr. Amy Sutton (The dude formally known as Aaron)
Message: News flash! Amys birthday is one week from today.. (dec 18th 1970) Glen thought it would be cool to have a big party in her honor. He then went on to hire a band, rent the Fairbank,Ia. Legion Hall, Set up the bar, and buy all the food! The only thing the Savages have to do is to show up. Wait a minute... where do we stay after we get there? Glen thought of that too. You would be amazed how much room there is after he got rid of thirty years worth of dead hookers. He has plenty of room. This is for real. We are going to have a big party in Fairbank on the 18th. If we have enough interest we will take the bus from Marion to there and back. Let me know if you need a ride ***SOON*** PS Glen Rocks!
Date: 12/29/04 02:34 PM
Name: SJ
Message:Hey anybody wanna have sunday brunch at my house on sunday 1/1/05?? call me with your RSVP. 389-1199 Menu will include eggs, bacon, (sausage to be provided by savage men)mmmm yummy in my tummy! also bloody mary's on tap. Beer is BYO I'll have some on hand. If there's enough interest I might get a keg. need to know by Saturday night. luv yall SJ
Date: 01/03/05 12:28 PM
Name: Mark
Message:Do any of you Savages (or friends) know how to ski or snowboard... or want to learn? Let me know if anyone is intereted in a ski trip to Sundown or Chestnut (or wherever) sometime in the next month or two. E-mail or call me at 319-573-2626.
Date: 01/03/05 04:59 PM
Name: John
Message:Mark there is a ski trip planned for Feb 10th if you want to go. I am sure Aaron or somebody will post details.
Date: 01/04/05 12:22 PM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Cheers all and Happy New Year - How many of us are headed to the BRR ride on 05 February? I'm trying to put plans together on if/how to go about it. Feel free to write directly or call 847 431 3731 and roust my ass. Hoorah!
Date: 01/05/05 05:02 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Calling all Savages! The Wild Card playoffs are this weekend and MY team is IN!! Oh, and the Packers are playing too. Is anyone interested in gathering at a watering hole and cheering their respective teams on? I thought maybe we could find some small pub, bring some munchies and raise a few glasses. Anyone interested? Let me know via e-mail or msg board! Oh, and John - I have BOP & Halloween pictures for you. Yes, I know I am slow... GO RAMS!!!
Date: 01/05/05 09:38 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Make a plan and count us in. xooxo Aaron More to come on BRR
Date: 01/07/05 09:34 AM
Name: SJ
Message:GOOOOOOOOO PACKERS!!!!! I'm in for sunday football. anywhere is fine with me. Paddy's got some new flat screet tv's and they have good grease food and I think they have beer too.
Date: 01/07/05 05:46 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:OK - here is my plan for this fabulous football weekend. Anyone is welcome to join or make other suggestions. Saturday is the Rams @ Seahawks at 3:30 and Jets @ Chargers at 7 PM. I say Paddy's for those games - it IS a Rams bar you know. Sunday is the Broncos @ Colts at Noon and the Vikings @ PACKERS at 3:30. For these games I am suggesting CABO. Now, normally Joe and I go to Cabo every Sunday for the games - they have 3 big projection screens and a zillion other TV's. They have 25 cent wings (which are very good, by the way) and $1 off most everything to drink. I know those of you who live in the Great North poo-poo on coming to this side of town, but there is fun to be had at CABO - in the form of RIBBING THE VIKING FANS. Cabo has become the Viking Club bar and they take over the place. I challenge all of you Packer fans to show up, dress in your finest green and gold and give em' hell!! I will be there early to reserve a great spot right in the middle of the bar to be occupied by Packer Backers! If you think this plan sucks, then YOU make one and get the word out. GO RAMS!
Date: 01/08/05 10:31 AM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message: February 5th will be the big day this year for BRR. It seemed that last years plan worked extremely well so I dont think we should change it. Here is the plan. Saturday morning we will meet at the Zimmerman Body Shop on Council st. around 9am to load our bikes and livers. 10am sharp we will get on the bus and leave for Perry or maybe Rippy depending on the tempature and the wind. After a though day of doing that thing we do, we will reload the bus at 8pm and head down 20 miles to Grimes where a hot meal and even hotter hot tub wait for the Savages. Super Bowl Sunday we will collect the Savages and head back to C.R. for a big day of football, naps and maybe a chicken wing or two. This is a fluid plan and may change slightly... but the "leave at 10am" thing is solid so dont be that late guy. Call me if you need me xoxoxo Aaron PS I need a head count so I can book the rooms.
Date: 01/08/05 11:18 AM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message:Lets go skiing! Thursday, February 10th, the Savage Bus will be headed to the fabulous Chestnut Mountian Ski Resort in Galena, Illinios for a great big day. There will be skiing, snow boarding, and lot of cocktails at the best ski lodge anywhere. The bus will leave from the Red Lobster parking lot at 10:00 am and return at 8:00 pm that same day. We have negotiated a group rate for this trip to keep the costs down. Lift ticket $23. Ski rental $17. Bus fare $7. You can take your own food and drink with you to save cash. We had a full bus last year and should be pretty full this year too. Dont forget your FM walkie talkies and dont forget to call me to save your spot.
Date: 01/28/05 06:13 PM
Name: Zach
Message:Hey everyone the RAGBRAI overnight towns are out. Pack a lunch it's all north this year. Hope to see you on BRR... Z
Date: 01/29/05 10:40 AM
Name: Mark
Message:This link should take you to see the overnight towns... Let's all get out there and train our legs and livers, we're going to win RAGBRAI again this year!
Date: 01/31/05 08:55 AM
Name: Heather Kramer
Message:Hey everyone...if you don't have anything to do this Sunday, Feb 6th but recover from the bike ride, we are having a Super Bowl Party at Granite City. Would love to see you me if you have questions....431-5741....
Date: 02/01/05 02:32 PM
Name: SJ
Message:TO ALL YOU VIRGINS......................thanks for nothin' T-shirt Idea??
Date: 02/08/05 10:44 AM
Name: Andy
Message:The cold wind bit into my neck as I walked out of my apartment towards my waiting car. From my window, the scene looked merely wet as I looked out into the parking lot. Anticipating a long week, I trudged out ... and almost fell on my ass as I slipped on the black ice. I must have looked like James Brown performing his special dance moves as I fought to regain my balance. It was amazing that just the other day I was riding my bike on a dirt road with other Savages as we rode towards the bar (the name of which escapes me - along with the town that housed it). This Brr Ride was my first (and my last 'cuz I'm going "Hollywood") and I was spared the really cold weather that returned soon thereafter. Yes, friends, I am moving back to California, my home state. The move came suddenly and without warning, kind of like the face slap you get when you try to be a little bit too clever with the beautiful woman with the "I like to swallow" look in her eye (put there by one too many Jaeger Bombs). I wasn't looking for it, but that's really when you find something isn't it? I will be leaving with fond memories of the rides that I attended, the fellowship of all in attendance ... and visions of Chicken Man's chicken parts haunting my nightmares. It is my intention to set up a Subtle Savage outpost in the "Land of Fruits and Nuts". I will scout out appropriate venues, seek out Savage-worthy individuals, and promote the Savage Agenda whenever and wherever possible. Currently, my California residence is a hotel but you will be advised as to my address when it is established. I love you all but I give special thanks to Aaron (the Savage Leader), Amy (the Savage Heart), Tommy (the Savage Spirit), and John (the Savage Soul) - who picked me up in a bar. I am wiser now ... thanks to you. Andy (Klein Q-Carbon) Terrell
Date: 02/08/05 04:42 PM
Name: Bree
Message:Corey, you there?
Date: 02/09/05 12:10 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Cheers all - had a great time on the BRR! Savages Win Again! If anyone came into possession of an unexplained pair of flames shorts size 38 with the tags still attached, those were going to be mine and need to be turned back in to Aaron or I get to pay for them. I'm also missing a clear plastic tube about eight inches long with a cigar and small tin humidifier in it. Please let me know if either of these items show up. Thanks!
Date: 02/15/05 12:31 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Roy - somehow the shorts in mention turned up in my bike bag. Let me know when I can get them to you or if you want me to get them to the Baum residence for safe keeping. However, your humidor and cigar holder did not - sorry man.
Date: 02/22/05 08:19 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: The Team Dawg ride is comming up March 12th. If we can get 10 or 20 or 30 people we will take the bus and have a big party. The ride details are at Bike Iowa. Let me know if you would like a bus ride. xoxoxo Aaron
Date: 02/28/05 04:32 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: The Dyersville March 12th bike ride is comming up fast. We will load the bus and leave the Zimmerman Body Shop at 11am sharp. I was wondering if you would like to stay over night as opposed to driving home that night. It looks as if we will have 10 Stiffies as well as the usual Savage suspects. Rooms at the Comfort Inn are 22 bucks per Savage and includes breakfast and an awsome view of Zach and me in our natural habitat... the hot tub. I would really like your input on this decision so let me know what you think.
Date: 02/28/05 06:17 PM
Name: John
Message:I vote for staying. I bought a house last weekend and the weekend of the ride is my birthday weekend so everyone better come up with something good to give me.
Date: 03/01/05 10:20 AM
Name: Roy AlderseBaes
Message:Just don't get too close to North Liberty, as you may meet THIS guy: Naked man accused of threatening neighbors with sword By Mike McWilliams Iowa City Press-Citizen More... • Naked man uses sword in attack Police arrested a North Liberty man Sunday after he allegedly chased and threatened his neighbors with a sword while nude. Curtis Donald Rarick, 44, of 245 S. Front St., was charged with assault while displaying a dangerous weapon, an aggravated misdemeanor punishable by up to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine upon conviction. According to police: Officers were called to a residence on Front Street for reports of an altercation. The victims told police Rarick was in his front yard naked and became upset when they told him to put some clothes on. Rarick then went inside his residence, retrieved a sword with a 2-foot 6-inch blade and chased and threatened his neighbors on their property. Rarick posted $2,000 bail and was released from Johnson County Jail Monday, court records show. Rarick’s home phone number is unlisted and court records did not indicate if Rarick has yet retained a lawyer.
Date: 03/10/05 09:36 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Looks as if the people want to stay over night in Dyersville. For those who cant stay, Im sure that someone will be headed back Saturday night. So dont make a fuss... you know the rest. Ill see you Saturday morning. We leave at 11;00. That will give you time to be ready. Dont be late. xoxoxo Aaron
Date: 03/22/05 11:19 AM
Name: Karen
Message:Hey everybody, there is a ride on Saturday in Iowa City hosted by Team Fez. It has always been a really fun ride in the past. They did change the route this year, Iowa City to Hills. Check Bikeiowa for the rest of the details , such as time, place, and number of miles. I plan on going. If anyone is interested let me know, 310-0702 Karen
Date: 03/24/05 03:31 PM
Name: Kristan
Email: (work)
Message:A plea for help...Joe and I are moving next Saturday, April 2 and would love to get any help that our fellow Savages are willing to offer! We will definitely provide the BEER, all you need to do is provide your muscles...and a pickup truck or two if you have them. We will have a U-Haul, but have 2 households to move into one. So extra vehicles might help. If you would like to join us for a Saturday morning "work out" and some 12 oz curls too, PLEASE call me at 389-0555. We are tentatively planning on starting at 10AM. I will give details on the starting point when you call me! THANKS in advance!
Date: 03/29/05 12:47 PM
Name: John
Message:Is anyone planning on going to the 3rd Annual April Fools ride? Its this Saturday From Laporte city to Brandon. We went to this last year and I think I good time was had be all.
Date: 04/13/05 11:27 AM
Name: Brian
Message:Hey kids! Just wanted to say hello from Colorado. We got about two feet of snow on Sunday, and today it's about 75. Snow is gone. Haven't been doing much biking yet...been concentrating more on snowboarding. This was my second year of boarding, and no major injuries. One small big deal. This girl was beating me down the mountain, and I didn't think I could let that happen. Anyway, do we have a beer sponsor for Ragbrai this year? If not, I'm working on something. We'll see if I can pull it together. See ya'll in July!!
Date: 04/15/05 10:06 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message: Hey Savages, If you were on the March 12 ride check your front tire to see if it is yours. We have a mis match and you may be it. We are also missing a pair of biking shoes. Let me know what you find. xoxo Aaron
Date: 04/25/05 05:34 AM
Name: Teresa
Message:hey savages- On May 7th I'm having a get together at my house. Come check out the new pool table. Bring a drink and we'll have a good ole time. Starts at 7pm. Hope to see you there!
Date: 05/04/05 04:53 PM
Name: Teresa
Email: flynurse02@hotmail
Message:Sorry but there will have to be a raincheck on that party on May 7th due to some shit (literally) in our basement. Sorry about cancelling but stay tuned for a make-up date.
Date: 05/06/05 10:09 AM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message: How about a bike ride on Saturday? The Talleys are doing it again at Paddys. I am thinking about adding a couple of miles to the grueling course they set up. Call me Saturday and we can talk it over.
Date: 05/09/05 12:37 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: My fellow Savages, I am sad to report that our newest Savage, Carrie (Johns owner), crashed and burned on her way home from the Tally ride on Saturday afternoon. She overshot the tight right-turn at the bottom of the railroad grade that empties into the landfill path where Team Stiffies Chris crashed two years ago. Carrie sustained a broken clavicle, bruises, and the most totally awesome Savage wipe-out ever... no, really, the most awesome death-defying, airborn-hit-a-tree, catch-some-wicked-air wipe-out ever. Carrie will be out of work for a few days. She may need help tying her shoes, opening jars, and doing anything else that requires two hands. Why not give John Dulle a call or an email and ask him what she could use?
Date: 05/19/05 12:10 PM
Name: Zach
Message:This is to all the Savages that are not in Nevada this weekend. The Bud ride is still on. Contact Jon or myself for info. The bus will be at Zimmerman's on Saturday for loading hookers, beer, and livers. (In that order) I'm thinking a 11:00 am shove off time to Oxford or Tiffin or whatever you folks think. My cell phone # is 350-5259, Tell me what you think and well make it happen. We'll make "The Nevada Three" wish they stayed in Iowa...... Z
Date: 05/19/05 05:07 PM
Name: John
Message:While Tommy, Amy and Aaron are away the rest of the savages will still play. We are taking the bus to the Oxford ride so help us fill it. Call me 310 6118 or Zach so we have an accurate head count of who is going. Expected departure 11:00 from Zimmerman autobody.
Date: 06/02/05 11:42 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Dawg ride this weekend. Any one want to ride their bike? I am thinking about meeting, loading and leaving from Amys house at about 11:00am Saturday morning and coming home sometime Saturday night around dark or maybe a little bit later.
Date: 06/03/05 01:28 AM
Name: silky
Message:Hey a bike ride sounds like a good idea! see you there.
Date: 06/06/05 12:39 AM
Name: Dan Fraizer
Message:Hello Savages! My name is Dan, and I'm an alcoholic. No, not yet anyway, but I do enjoy a good pint every now and then. I am an Iowan born and raised, living now in Bier Country, deep in the heart of Bavaria, Germany. I attended (and got kicked out of) UNI from '96-97, and again from '98-99, before I joined the Army for a three year stint overseas. I have done the ride twice, both times in the north. I rode in '99 before I went to basic, and again in '02 when I got out. After I got out of the Army, I stayed. I guess the bier and bratwurst is just too damn good. I am planning on flying back home for the ride this summer, and posted a friendly message on the RAGBRAI webpage. Roy sent me an email and invited me to check y'all out. You guys are exactly what I love about the ride. Myself, my womanizing uncle, and a couple of friends are riders without a team, and I couldn't think of a better team to ride with than the returning winners of the "Golden Register". If you would be willing to welcome us into your bosom (and I checked out the photos, there are some very nice bosoms), then I think we would fit in exquisitely. If you are willing to take on a few straglers for the first four days, please get back to me. I look forward to hearing from any and everyone of you, and hopefully seeing you all in July.
Date: 06/06/05 08:01 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Dan, You had us at "hello savages". Give me a call and we'll talk this over. 319 551 7898
Date: 06/06/05 08:03 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Savages, it is time once again for the Rash ride. I hope that we can have a good showing again this year. Chris has offered us his house so that no one has to drive Saturday night and Bill has put together the best party that Indee has ever seen. I plan to be up there Friday night but you all can come any time you are ready. It works best to park your cars at the big house (405 3rd ave N.E. ) and then ride the 3 blocks to the party. I cant promise everyone a bed but the house is the size of the UNI dome so everyone will be inside. You you have never been to a Savage slumber party now is your time to make it happen. If you have any questions or unreasonable demands about the ride or lodging... give me a call. I will see you there.
Date: 06/08/05 10:36 PM
Name: Kip
Message:Have you guys (Subtle Savages) ever thought about getting some gold bracelets?
Date: 06/22/05 12:40 AM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message: The Stiff ride is here. If you need a ride we will take you from our house Saturday morning at 11:00am (don't be late) and bring you home when we are good and ready. What normaly happens is that no one is able to drive the bus after all the fun so we hang out in ;our bus,sleeping bags,tents, stiff bus, or where ever you can find a soft spot until dawn. There are a lot of people that head home (to CR) that night so dont stay home if you think that you need a ride in the Savage bus to get back home. If you cant stay, some one will take you home.* Hope to see you Saturday. xoxoo Aaron * home is what you make of it... your house, someones car, random trailer, shallow grave, or any other spot you flesh may land. Good luck.
Date: 06/22/05 12:59 PM
Name: Robin
Message:Hey kids, I'm out in the middle of BFE(oklahoma city) and will be moving home this winter. Looks like I'm going to miss ragbrai this year-sorry no pudding or blow up dolls. I'm going to try and get home for a visit before then, but we'll see. In other news, i'm off the market now, I got hitched to Lesley Rackly of Clarkton, MO in Dec of last year. Things are going great and I'm looking forward to seeing yous soon.
Date: 06/29/05 11:11 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: If you have anything to be embroidered, I need it right now... or the next two days.
Date: 06/30/05 09:07 PM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message: Dear Savages, It seems as the spring training rides have been extreemly cruel to the Savages. Good wishes go out to Amy,Carrie,Cory,Donna,Jason,Jon Dulle, and Zachs flat tires. I hope all the damaged Savages are on the mend. This weekend is the hill ride and at our present rate will will most likely kill a couple. Call me if I have not heard from you and you want to go on this ride. We are going to leave early for us (8:30am Sunday) from Indee so that we can get back in time for a big party. I will need some bus help soon. If you are in the mood let me know. We are going to sling some paint,change an axel, and clean and move some furniture. We are still in the market for a full time driver. We have a couple of part time drivers but we could use one full timer.
Date: 07/02/05 12:08 PM
Name: Kayla
Message:Hey all! I know I'm just a "savage wannabe", but I thought I'd leave y'all a message here anyway. :o) I have been MIA for a while - sorry I missed your ride - I *really* wanted to go... but I couldnt get away. :( I've been living with my aunt this summer out near Omaha, and helping out with her boys. She and I have been biking a lot and will still be "bagging it" this summer on BRAI (its just in my blood, I cant help it). I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces in a few weeks! I will be there all week - somewhat slower than you - but there. If you guys have any extra yard space for two more beatiful ladies in the overnights, call me and let me know or send me an email... please (560-3377). Again, I look forward to seeing and partying with you soon! xoxoxo
Date: 07/05/05 05:01 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Ten-HUT! There's a ride on Saturday the 09th, a 30 miler with what appears to be a good following, called the 11th Annual B2B Ride. Located in Tiffin. I suddenly have Friday AND Saturday free and am wondering if there will be Savages in search of pillaging.
Date: 07/14/05 02:24 PM
Name: Brian
Message:Hey Savages! Just had a favor to ask - does anyone know of a rideable road bike that I could use for Ragbrai? Unfortunately, I'm road bikeless, which could severely hinder my chances of being able to come for Ragbrai. I'm 6'3", like long walks on the beach....oops, I, that means I generally ride a 59-62cm depending on the brand. Thanks for your help! Hopefully I'll see you all in a week!
Date: 07/22/05 06:09 AM
Name: Roy
Date: 08/02/05 09:07 PM
Name: John Dulle
Message:Hello Savages! RAGBRAI went swimmingly, all had a good time and livers were punished thoroughly. If anyone has any pictures they would like to get on the website please send to me posthaste, I will be in an updating frenzy the next couple of weeks. Send me an email if you want to mail me a disk or something along those lines. Glad everyone made it who did and I missed everyone who didn't make it. Good night Springton...there will be no encore.
Date: 08/04/05 10:15 AM
Name: Don Baker
Message:Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know your worst fears may be realized, on the way home from RAGBRAI I called my old boss at Philips and they have a position which would allow me to move back to CR and bother you all on more regular basis(especially Tommy), anyway its still in the works so I'll keep you updated. Later Don Juan
Date: 08/05/05 09:50 PM
Name: Donna Alderton
Message:Whoa Does that mean I need to move there too? I would just hate to give up my life long dream of living in St Louis.
Date: 08/08/05 10:30 AM
Name: Teresa
Message:I ended up with an extra pair of black flame shorts. Anyone missing theirs? And yes Donna, that does mean you have to move to CR too. Bring Jason along. Jeff and I will help hog-tie him if you need us to.
Date: 08/09/05 05:04 AM
Name: Don Davis
Message:Greetings to all the Savages I would like to thank you for the opportunity to not only ride with you on your fine gas powered party on wheels but that you trusted me with the Key's to it!!!I had so much fun with you guys every day since has just...well life is boring now...Hope all of you will vote me in for the next savage gathering...Driver Don...
Date: 08/09/05 08:06 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Contentious weather be damned - this year's Ragbrai was the best of the 18 I've been on. Without a doubt the primary reason was the quality of people on this team. My tongue-in-cheek Awards section will be posted soon. I had more fun on this ride than on any other five Ragbrais put together; looking forward to the next Savaging - hopefully over the weekend of 27 August for the Back Bone ride - see for details.
Date: 08/12/05 08:35 PM
Name: Donny Baker
Message:Who is running this website? I check for 2005 pictures EVERY DAY...and guess what...NO PICTURES!!! WHAT GIVES? Just kidding John...But we are excited to see the pics! Donny Baker
Date: 08/12/05 10:01 PM
Name: Donna Alderton
Message:Open invite for the Moonlight Ramble right here in St Louis!! Saturday August 20th. Ride starts at midnight and runs thru the streets of St Loui till????? The miles and route are a secret until that eve. Plus there is a party downtown with fireworks and music. Yee Haw!!!
Date: 08/14/05 11:09 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Oi! Coupla things - 1) Will there be a Savage presence at the Back Bone Ride over the weekend of 27-28 August? 2) Anyone wanting a slick Savages necklace - write me with your mailing address and any requests as I have extra parts 3) Thinking of putting a Chicago Lakefront ride as well as a Out In The Far 'Burbs ride before October is up - anyone interested? Accomodations are naturally free - bring your livers!
Date: 08/14/05 11:31 AM
Name: Roy
Message:I freely admit to being a nostalgic kind of guy. Memories and ideas flit through my dome like random meteorites, and a particularly nice one will bring a warm smile to my grille. I had so much fun this year I have adapted some of the better memories to Awards - obviously seen from my own, somewhat limited perspective: “Breaking My Ragbrai Cherry Award” goes to: Joel, for his now-infamous Wednesday night in-bus telling of the back-door fun he had with a certain someone on someone else’s bag “I’m No One’s Bitch Award” goes to: Alicia, for man-handling the bus so well and causing many males to have temporarily shrunken manhoods because they knew they couldn’t handle that much vehicle “I Have Seen My Own Death, And I Am Not Afraid Award” goes to: Balls, undoubtedly one of the luckiest men on the planet, who was at least twice breast smothered by Carrie to the great amusement of all present “You Will Spray Beer Out Your Nose Award” goes to: Joe, for the ultimate Ragbrai one liner - when questioned whether that long, curving climb out of Estherville was fun for him, the normally stoic Joe took a deep drag off his cig and through slitted eyes said, “I was erect the whole time” “I Am Not A Doctor, But I Play One On Ragbrai Award” goes to: Randy - for literally and figuratively saving my badly chafed ass by donating a gel seat, enabling me to finish “Welcome To The Party Award” goes to: some unknown townie overheard on Girl Scout Day, who upon setting eyes on Donna said, “Holy Shit - I think I’m in love” “Yes Virginia, This Is A Penis” goes to: Chickenman, whose naked slides in West Union caused many males to experience a strange sense of inferiority - or so I heard “Marco Polo Award” goes to: none other than Aaron Baum, exalted High Priest of the Savages, for making the tough calls when and where needed, especially relating to domiciles, and after all, arranging most of this shit for us - Aaron, you are still a God in my book “Now You Al-Qaeda Punks Listen To Me Award” goes to: the cops that yanked our bus for a wayward airborne beer can. I’m surprised they didn’t cavity search us for Stinger missiles or bangalore torpedoes, considering we’re obviously such a hostile and threatening bunch More to follow....
Date: 08/17/05 05:53 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Hey Julie, got your email but when I tried to respond, I got one of those MAILER-DAEMON messages that said the initiating email didn't exist. Please try again using another addy.
Date: 08/23/05 05:33 PM
Name: John
Message:If anyone has pictures please send them to me! So far this has been RAGBRAI as seen by Donna and Glen (thanks you two you have been great.
Date: 08/30/05 07:15 PM
Name: John
Message:The back of the pack ride is this Sunday! Its up in the air if the bus will go or not. Aaron has a prior engagement so we need to figure out who all wants to go. Let me know via email or the board. Thanks John
Date: 08/31/05 09:11 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: I will be up in Indee this weekend with a whole bunch of children. If you want to be one of them let me know. It looks like it will be a nice weekend for all the b words.
Date: 08/31/05 11:14 PM
Name: Silky Savage
Message:If any SAVAGES would like to visit Chicago this weekend you are welcomed to stay at my place, on Sunday 9-4-05 a few people are getting together in my back yard to have a Luau! Info for the Jimmy Buffett Luau: Several 1000 Parrotheads are combining forces to show Wrigley Field area residents how to be laid back and crazy at the same time on Labor Day weekend. We wanted to do our part so we are having a Luau !! We are inviting all our friends to party with us before, during, and after the Jimmy Buffett concert. Three buildings are combining their backyards for one big party place on Sunday Sep. 4. Come in costume if you like, we will have grills, music and Margarita bar blenders going strong (with the kegs) to prepare you for the slip and slide (and limbo bar) under the blow up Palm Trees ! Please respond if it is possible you might show up for part or all of the Luau !! Invite your friends!
Date: 09/14/05 10:32 AM
Name: julie
Message:O.K. guys you give me shit all the time about the Cyclones, I can't help myself to remind you of the spanking we gave you Hawks last weekend!!!!! 23-3 what the hell happened?
Date: 09/15/05 01:08 AM
Name: Joel
Message:Is anyone planning on heading down to the UNI/Iowa game this weekend?? I will be down there with my UNI gear on so let me know!
Date: 09/15/05 02:48 AM
Name: Kayla
Message:Hey everyone! I'm getting back into the swing of school again... damn it... and looking at pics of brai makes me want it to be summer again. By the way - who took that picture of me with all those beers??... I don't remember that or the picture... oops. Anyway - if any of y'all want to come down to FB games - I'm always prancing around IC sporting lots of black and gold - and I usually know of some good places to tailgate - give me a shout! 319-560-3377. And, if ya get too drunk to drive or bike home - my apartment is always open as well. 414 S Dubuque Apt 10 - It's like 2 blocks off of downtown. Ohh, and where were all you shits at the back of the pack ride?... Ok I know there was a monsoon - but since when did that stop us? :o) Well... I hope to see all of you in Iowa City supporting our hawkeyes!!! Love and miss you all!
Date: 09/15/05 11:23 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message:Go Panthers
Date: 09/19/05 06:57 PM
Name: Donna
Message:Hey kids! Any more party rides for the year? I know you usually have something set up around Halloween....let me know! Miss you all!
Date: 09/29/05 06:38 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Cheers all, Tallywhacker ride in CR on 29 October - what kind of assistance and debauchery will we be assisting them with? How many of us will go? How many Savages will commit wanton acts of drunken silliness? Inquiring minds (and potential roadtrippers from Chi-town) want to know!
Date: 09/30/05 10:30 AM
Name: John
Message:Tally's halloween ride was pretty big for the savages last year. I know I will be there and I am sure there will be many others. Don't forget to wear a costume!
Date: 10/11/05 06:44 PM
Name: John
Message:Iowa vs. Wisconsin Sat. Nov 12th. Team Native is taking there bus to Madison and has invited any Savages interested in attending. Price is $70 this includes beer, hotel and bus ride. The only catch is they will be leaving either friday night or saturday morning. If it is a 11:30 game they will leave friday, later game they will leave saturday morning. If you are interested R.S.V.P. to Jeff or Alea Niemeier 319 294 6644 or 319 551 0392 by Oct 31st.
Date: 10/18/05 07:25 AM
Name: Don
Message:Iowa vs. Wisconsin Sat. Nov 12th. Team Native is taking there bus to Madison and Im going to drive you all there So come on jump on board Its going to be a magic carpet ride.
Date: 10/27/05 03:28 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Happy birthday Zach. I hope you get some cool stuff. I'll see you this Saturday for the ride.
Date: 10/30/05 08:39 PM
Name: Jeff Niemeier
Message:LAST CALL IF YOUR GOING TO IOWA/WISCONSIN GAME IN MADISON! Game time will be announced and rooms will be booked. Need payment ASAP. Cost is $70 for ride, beer, and hotel. Will be staying Saturday night. More details later this week as the game time is announced. Cheers! Team Native 319-551-0392
Date: 10/31/05 07:10 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: The Iowa Wisc game will be a 2:30 Game That means the bus will be leaving from Indee at app. 8:00 Saturday morning from 129 Terrace Dr. in Indee on Saturday Morning. We will go to the game and then stay the night. They need your money right now. Make your checks payable to Jeff Niemeier mail to 4012 Forest View. NE Cedar Rapids. It looks like Thursday will be your last chance to get your checks to him. Amy an I will be there. I hope you will be there too. xoxxo Aaron
Date: 11/01/05 09:54 PM
Name: Jeff Niemeier
Message:Mailing address for Iowa/Wisconsin game. Jeff Niemeier 4012 Forest View Ct NE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52411 Home: (319) 294-6644 Cell: (319) 551-0392
Date: 11/08/05 07:57 PM
Name: Jeff Niemeier
Message:DETAILS FOR IOWA/WISCONSIN GAME: Leave Niemeier's house in Cedar Rapids at 6:45AM. Pickup Independence group in Manchestor at 8:00AM. Hopefully be in Madison by Noon for 2:30PM kickoff. Food after the game and downtown nightlife after that. Did I hear the bars are open til 4:00AM? Back to hotel and return on Sunday morning. See you Saturday morning!
Date: 11/29/05 12:12 AM
Name: Aaron
Message:John Dulle, where are you? Hope I 80 70 25 40 17 and 76 are being kind. Call us when you get home.
Date: 12/23/05 07:48 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Hey guys - Merry Christmas to the best bunch of people it's ever been my distinct priviledge to know and love. May the Season find you at peace, with love in your hearts, beers in your hands, and a twinkle in your eye. See you in Spring.
Date: 12/24/05 12:18 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message: Don Davis is arranging a ski trip to Sun Down this Thursday the 29th of December. If you have the time and would like to go you should give him a call. 319 361 3506
Date: 12/28/05 11:26 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Ok Savages - I am wondering what is going on for New Year' Eve? Any partys? I am missing my Savages and wanted to see if there was a gathering for ringing in the new year. Let us know...
Date: 12/29/05 10:42 PM
Name: fly on wall
Message:I heard that the Savages are going to have a bash at Jeff and Theresa's. I heard that they have plenty of room and we are all going to stay over night. I guess that a case of beer and a munchie are required but you can eat and drink it if you bring it. That is what is i heard.
Date: 12/30/05 03:12 PM
Name: Jeff and Teresa <--- Notice the lack of an "H"
Message:Ok, so here is the deal. Our Address is 3820 Dalewood Ave. SE - Map Quest it. You can show up anytime after 8 PM. If you want in the door you might want to think about bringing something to share with everyone else here. Booze of any flavor and or food products are a good and highly recommended idea. This is not a BYOB event, think of it more like a pot luck of sorts. You are welcome to stay the night however space will be limited to couches, carpeted floors in the basement, or if you are so lucky hardwood floors on the main level. Feel free to bring an air mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, ect, for you comfort. PS Please come and have fun. But, I have to warn you, if you puke on something Teresa will likely rip of your head and shit down your neck.
Date: 01/06/06 11:30 AM
Name: Jeff Niemeier
Message:Got this email today: According to the weather forecast Saturday, Jan. 7, appears to be a "somewhat" good day for a bike ride. 38 degrees with sunshine. If you feel like getting your bike out and going for a nice casual social ride there's a group of us meeting at 11:00AM this Saturday at the Boyson Road Trail Head in Hiawatha. We will bike towards the Shack....with frequent bar breaks along the way. Join us if you can. Happy Trails - Kim w/Team VooDoo
Date: 01/09/06 09:15 PM
Name: Zach
Message:Donna can I come to yall's weddin party? I'll bring my sister so I won't need a date or nothin.. I need to know when it is so I can get it off work. Let me know xoxoxo Z
Date: 01/10/06 03:48 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Donna's getting married?? Men everywhere hang their heads in sadness at the news! Anyway, congratulations, honey!
Date: 01/11/06 01:42 PM
Name: Kayla
Message:Hey all you shitheads! I hope y'all had a good Christmas and a rockin New Year :) Just wanted to say HII and that I'm missin all your beautiful faces... I definitley hope to see each and everyone of you come February 4th - It's gonna be a hoot! Also wanted to let y'all know that I'm planing on going on the Drift Ride January 21st in Des Moines... it should be fun - the same route as the Big Wheel Rally (which you guys should start getting into - its a blast!) Anyway - if ya wanna go, lemme know :) OK, well that's all for now... let me know of what's going on for the brrr ride and maybe me tagging along... if you'll have me. Ta-ta for now! xoxoxoxoxo ~ Kayla
Date: 01/11/06 03:19 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey Donna! Congratulations to you on your upcoming wedding! Aaron told us about it a few weeks ago! Joe and I are very happy for you! This must be the year for Savage weddings...Joe and I got engaged on Christmas Eve, so we are planning a November wedding in Cancun. Get your Mexico gear ready, Savages. More news forthcoming...
Date: 01/13/06 07:27 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Wow, congrats to Kristan and Joe, too! Hey, what are the odds that Joe will be reeeaaaallly quiet right until the point he says "I do" and then he becomes a maniacal talk-monster that no one can silence? In other news, I have once again launched into my annual Bead Necklace Making Phase - any Savages wanting a SS necklace, drop me an email telling me either what you'd like or telling me to invent it on my own, along with your mailing address. Don't think I'll see you at the BRR but will asap afterwards.
Date: 01/13/06 08:15 AM
Name: autumn reynoldson
Message:just thought i would let you all know that todd and i got married on jan 4th! we will have a big party later :) probably won't see you at brr because we are going to mexico in march..drink a beer for me..miss everybody too!
Date: 01/13/06 09:02 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Congrats again Autumm! I am so happy for you!! It is great to see Reynoldson attached to your name. We are looking forward to the party. Let us know...
Date: 01/16/06 08:45 PM
Name: John
Message:I got an email from Team Voodoo about the Crab Fart bike ride going on in CR on Feburary 4th, the same day as BRR. If you aren't going to BRR you have that as an option, although if you aren't going to BRR you are a total loser.
Date: 01/17/06 11:22 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message:February 4th will be the big day this year for BRR. It seemed that last years plan worked extremely well so I dont think we should change it. Not even this message. O.K., here is the plan. Saturday morning we will meet at the Zimmerman Body Shop on Council st. around 9am to load our bikes and livers. 10am sharp we will get on the bus and leave for Perry or maybe Rippy depending on the temperature and the wind. After a tough day of doing that thing we do, we will reload the bus at 8pm and head down 20 miles to Grimes where a hot meal and even hotter hot tub wait for the Savages. Super Bowl Sunday we will collect the Savages and head back to C.R. for a big day of football, naps and maybe a party. Save strength for a ski trip the next morning. This is a fluid plan and may change slightly... but the "leave at 10am" thing is solid so dont be that late guy. Pack your beer and bikes and call me if you need me xoxoxo Aaron P.S. I have booked 6 rooms (so far) at about $90/4=$22.50 or so a room. Everybody except Christian gets a bed. Bus fair is $10.
Date: 01/18/06 10:14 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:We have the Super Bowl Party part covered! Jeff reminded me that on New Year's Eve (greaty party by the way, Jeff!) I agreed to have a football party at our house on Sunday for the Big Game. We can handle it the same way Jeff did for New Years - everyone bring their fav beverage and snack and be prepared to share...or get sent to the time out room. Adn you really don't want to get sent there...or maybe you do :) hehe! The game starts at 5PM so come whenver - I will be ready for people around 4. Let me know if you want to start abusing your liver earlier.
Date: 01/19/06 10:32 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Hey Savages, Let's not forget the Savage Ski trip right after the Superbowl party. Once again, at 10am Monday morning Feb 6th (dont be late), we will rally at the Red Lobster Parking lot and head to the fabulous Chestnut Mtn resort in Galina, Il. for a great day of sun, skiing, snowboarding, and cocktails at the coolest chalet around. We have negotiated a group rate to keep the cost down-- lift ticket will be $23, ski rental will be $17, and bus fair will be at bargain of $10. All of this in one day because we will be back around 8pm the same day. What a great training weekend for all of us and our livers... 7 months early. P.S. Bring your own food and beer if you want to keep your costs down!
Date: 01/27/06 08:53 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Ragbrai Fever: CATCH IT! Towns as announced: Sergeant Bluff - Ida Grove - Audubon - Waukee - Newton - Marengo - Coralville and ending Muscatine. Start hefting the 12 oz weights
Date: 01/30/06 03:58 PM
Name: Randy Ferry (formerly Colorado Randy)
Message:Everyone, Saw the route was posted today and I can hardly contain myself! If no one knew/cares, I've moved from Denver to Durham, NC. Now I can train drunk all year round! Unfortunately, RAGBAI falls the same week as my semi-annual Ferry Family reunion in Utah...I told my parents to have a nice time, 'cause I'll be drinking my arse off with you. Can't wait to see everyone! 178 days?!
Date: 02/02/06 08:19 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: Hey everyone, Thanks to Tommy and Jeff the bus has the bike-racks ready to go. We will have a tight full bus this weekend so the sooner you can get there Saturday morning the sooner something will happen. Captian Dandy Don Davis will be our pilot and you know he pulls out on time. (10:00!) This also means that I will not be driving and will be the drunkiest guy on the bus....Christian is in charge. I'm really looking forward to putting the gang back together for the 2006 season. Does anyone have an idea for a rally point on Friday night? Nassor is playing at the Chop House, but that place kind of sucks but the beer is cold.
Date: 02/03/06 11:53 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Have a great time guys... it's killing me that I can't go. Drink a few for me!
Date: 02/07/06 07:55 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Hey Savages, Thanks for three strange days and a special thanks to Cory for all the busises. I found a few things left on the bus as well as a wedding ring. If you are missing things let me know. We don't have anything planned in the near future so maybe St. Patrick Day in Dyersville. Ill let you all know. Thanks again to all of you.
Date: 02/27/06 11:28 AM
Name: Chickenman
Message:Hey Savages, Looking forward to drinking with you all soon. I am planning on being at the SPERM ride, day after St Paddys day, April fools ride, Chickenman ride, Bud??? and RASH. I have cancelled the trade show that conflicts with the RASH just so I can be there. The Chickenman ride is May 20th and I would love to be Savaged. Love and kisses, Chickenman
Date: 02/28/06 12:15 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey! I am looking for some email addresses. If you would please send me yours or if someone else knows it please send it to me. I would appreciate it! I need emails for Christian, Tommy, Jill, Tina, Don Baker, Silky. I thnk that is all for now. Mexico plans are coming together nicely! I can't wait!
Date: 03/06/06 08:55 AM
Name: Julie Jones
Message:Just wanted to throw this out there. Jay from Team Bud has a cousin who lives in Ida Grove, Jay being the nice boyfriend he is, has reserved us a place to stay with the Bud's. Also Sinnott has a friend in Waukee. Sinnott and I went and checked out the mansion, it is awesome (to nice for a bunch of bikers) but they are opening up there doors to us. Has a huge pool w/diving board, guest house, big back yard ect. Owners are great people. AS of now Stiff, Bud, Dwags and Savages are all invited to stay in Waukee. Up to the Team but just wanted to let you know we are covered for those 2 towns.
Date: 03/06/06 09:15 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: We have all ready sealed the deal for the Waukee mansion. John Dulle and I are planing to drive the route in the spring to lock places to stay. Keep looking and we will drive out and check them out sometime in April. Does anyone have an idea for Iowa City. We have nothing planed for rides right now.... soon.
Date: 03/17/06 11:30 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey Savages - Shit (Team Tallywacker) called me today and wanted me to pass on some info. He is having a gathering at his house tomorrow night (3/18) around 7PM and then they are planning on riding bikes out to the Shack Tavern around 8PM to see Bryce Janey and his original band (Shit's words, not mine) play. He said it is also the owner of the Shack's birthday. If you don't know - 7530 Prairie Hawk Dr SW off of Kirkwood Blvd and 76th. His phone is 231-5562.
Date: 04/04/06 10:34 AM
Name: Roy
Message:OI! We doin' the Tally Ride on 22 April or has everyone gone to sleep of late?
Date: 04/06/06 08:14 PM
Name: John
Message:I plan on being at the tally ride, I am betting there will be a good Savage showing. Anyone interested in riding to Solon?
Date: 04/07/06 09:10 AM
Name: Karen
Message:John Dulle I didn't know if you were still alive or not! I sent an email a while back but you didn't respond! I am doing the Tally Ride and might be interested in riding to Solon with you. I will call you! Karen
Date: 04/15/06 06:51 PM
Name: John
Message:I forgot Mark Patterson is getting married the weekend of the Tally ride so I will not be able to go.
Date: 04/16/06 09:05 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Scheduling conflicts boned me for the Tally Ride but I'm a lock for the Bud Ride on 06 May and the RASH in June. Welcome to Summer!
Date: 04/30/06 11:11 AM
Name: John
Message:Joe, Kristan and I are all competing in the Pigman Triatholon June 4th out at Palo Any Savages that one to come out and show your support are welcome. Joe I think the recommened attire for Tri's is speedos and kilts.
Date: 05/03/06 09:12 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: The Bud Ride is this weekend. Hows about we take the bus from my house at about 11:00 and head that way. I love this ride and the bus is running great. Meet me in my back yard at 11:00 Saturday and we will party like rock stars. xoxooo Aaron
Date: 05/07/06 06:21 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Accidentally left at Penn Way in North Liberty - my Savages hat. Blue underside, Ragbrai patch from '80 on top and a Dutch flag sewed into its rear side - if found please advise. Thanks all who showed - it was a great ride!
Date: 05/08/06 12:36 PM
Name: Glenn
Date: 05/13/06 10:53 AM
Name: John
Message:Hey Savages I done broke my phone and lost my address book. So please email me your phone numbers and any phone numbers you got off a bathroom wall so I can rebuild.
Date: 05/14/06 11:52 AM
Name: John
Message:Aaron came over and got me hooked up with everyone's numbers. So now I have no excuse for not calling.
Date: 05/19/06 02:43 PM
Name: Alicia
Message:Hay kids, just letting everyone know I am having a 30th BDay for Andy (team tallywhacker) on Sat. June 3rd at Northside in Mount Veron 7pm. It will be a great time if you are not doing the ride. There will be a band and other teams there. Andy's not in the loop on this one so, if you need more info call me or email.
Date: 05/19/06 07:55 PM
Name: Roy
Message:RASH RIDE is almost here - and since the Baums will be missing, I will need a place to pitch my massive air mattress for the night. More importantly from my perspective, the World Cup will have started by then and my team, Holland, plays at 0800 Sunday morning. Can someone take me in for the nights of the 09th and 10th who has ESPN2 and ABC on their sets? I promise to wake up only those neighbors of yours within 100 yards with my blood curdling screams each time Holland scores....
Date: 05/24/06 11:13 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Would you tell anyone if you woke up this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all chaffed and sore? No?! Let's go camping. It's Memorial Day and the Savages (at least the boys and a few others) are headed to fabulous Black Hawk Park in Cedarfalls to let it all hang out under the stars. Sorry about the short notice but sometimes that the way the Savage cookie crumbles. There won't be just a camp fire and a bike ride on the coolest trail system in Iowa involved... oh no! We have arranged for a moving party, on bikes, of Liz Ryan. The first one to email me back gets to move her panty drawer on their bike! As if that is not enough, when we break camp early Sunday morning we are off to Indee for two huge days of river maylea! Making plans is for sissies so call me where ever you are this weekend and I'll tell you where we are and how to get to us and what to bring. I hope to see you out there. xoxoxo Aaron ps 551 7898
Date: 06/06/06 02:00 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hello Everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that Joe, John and I all survived the Pigman Tri!! We all finished and are here to pedal another day! I am putting the challenge out to each and every Savage to come out and compete NEXT year! It is a great personal accomplishment and I know there are some of you out there who could SOOO do this! They do take Teams so one person can swim, one can bike and one can run - and the teams can be male, female or co-ed. Now I am going to toot my and my fellow Triathlets (b/c that is what we shoud be referred to now) horns and let you know how we did! John Dulle is the Savage Champ: Swim (500M) time of 10:48, the 100 yds from the swim to transition time of 1:59, transition of 3:16; Bike (15.5mi)time of 52:08, avg of 17.9 mph, transition of 1:49; Run (3.1mi)time of 26:17, avg of 8:28 per mi for a completion time of 1:34:15!! Kristan: Swim 13:24, 100yds 2:27, transition 5:38; Bike 57.40, avg of 16.2 mph, transition 6:11 (I had to pee); Run 35:31, avg of 11:26 per mi for a completion time of 1:58:23!! Joe: Swim 16:39, 100 yds 3:03, transition 5:29; Bike 59.19, avg of 15.7 mph, transition 3:50; Run 33:52, avg 10:54 per mi for completion time of 1:59:07!! Good Game Everyone!
Date: 06/07/06 05:30 AM
Name: Dan Fraizer
Message:Greetings from Germany! I don't know if anyone remembers, but I was that guy from der Vaterland who was trying to whore on with the Savages for RAGBRAI last year, only to back out last minute. Well, I am at it again. My flight is reserved, legs are primed, nipples are hard, hoping to make it back to the states for the ride this year. You Savages were kind enough to offer up an invite to me last year, I am begging the offer is still open. Let me know.
Date: 06/07/06 08:57 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:I have been tasked with putting the word out to those non-wedding going Savages and anyone else who checks out our fabulous message board that the Smoke Eaters (Heather Kramer & J-Lo) are taking their bus up to the RASH ride on Saturday morning for those of you who are interested in catching a ride. No details are available yet b/c we need to find out who is interested - but let me know if you are and I will pass on the good word. Then we would have more info available. Email me or call 389-0555.
Date: 06/07/06 03:08 PM
Name: John
Message:Kristan - did you get any pictures from Pigman? I got a couple of myself I was going to post but wanted to add some of you and joe if you got any. You prob don't since it would be tough to take pics of yourself while swimming, biking or running but thought I would ask. It seems that people that do tri's like kilts as much as RAGBRAI folks do, so it is now offical tri attire.
Date: 06/07/06 03:14 PM
Name: Alicia
Message:If there are any Savages going on Rash, Tallywhackers are letting us abuse them. Their bus leaves 5:30pm Friday. Pick up point is Shit's house (across from Prairie High School)on the corner. Call Andy @ 8991329 or Aaron if any questions. Can't wait to see kilts in action. For the one's missing Rash have fun this weekend.
Date: 06/07/06 06:31 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: I would like to add that there will be a place for you to stay up in Indee at Chris Isham's house. This is where we have stayed the past few years. He has plenty of floor space but not too many beds... so take your bed roll. It is a good idea to park your car at his house so you will not have to worry about it during and after the ride. His house is located at 405 3rd ave SE his number is 319 334 2054 Clint will field whatever logistic questions you may so go ahead and give him a call. 319 551 2666 I hope that you all have a good time, don't crash, and have some good stories for story time. I love story time!
Date: 06/08/06 12:12 PM
Name: Alicia
Message:Tally's not taking the bus Friday or Saturday. They are taking the truck Sat. from Solon. Sorry plans changed.
Date: 06/10/06 02:48 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:See my new website:
Date: 06/12/06 01:55 PM
Name: Mary Kay
Message:GREETINGS ALL SAVAGES!!! I rode with the savages thru Cresco last summer and thought you guys were awesome! I was talking with Driver Don and asked if he knew anyone that had a road bike to sell. He thought that emailing the team might be a good place to start. So, here I am. I am looking for a used road bike (not sure on the size at this point, but I am 5'6" tall if that helps). Hopefully I will have some luck and will be riding a new/used bike for RAGBRAI this year. thanks everyone!
Date: 06/28/06 07:52 AM
Name: Lance Armstrong
Message:In The News: 6/27/06 - Lance Armstrong to ride RAGBRAI. (Will he be riding with the SAVAGES?)
Date: 06/28/06 10:59 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Nice web site Aaron! That is a very hansome picture. Can you teach me some Warrior Fighting Fitness moves that I can use on Joe?
Date: 06/28/06 03:22 PM
Name: Roy
Message:The question is, Can Lance hang with the Savages in beer pounding and general liver abuse? I think not....
Date: 07/07/06 01:36 PM
Name: Josh Ingamells
Message:Aaron,Tommy,Zatch,let me know when you guys get to Muscatine,I live about 20 minutes from there I'll come party with ya!
Date: 07/09/06 12:00 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Misplaced on last weekend's ride: one pair of red and black Peral Izumi gloves. Roy's trifecta of leaving stuff behind every time he comes to Iowa is now in play.
Date: 07/12/06 08:18 AM
Name: Michelle
Email: mjpoints@HOTMAIL.COM
Message:Many thanks to Aaron and Amy for returning my husbands' Honda Bumper....They even brought to our house. Why O' Why would you give somthin' up like that???? Looks like I get to stay married. Not sure how I tore it off, just know that I was parked next to the Savage bus. There is something to be said for the hypnotizing ways of that bus. I am, however, POSITIVE it is my doing. Sorry, dumbass Lance doesn't have the ball(s), but he should never, never give up. Much love, Points
Date: 07/14/06 12:40 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:John Dulle is jenious.... no Super Jenious.
Date: 07/14/06 03:24 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Place your bets! My knees are blown and the reason could be any number of things with which I am completely unfamiliar: Could it be: Miniscus..... torn ACL... ripped tendons... blown patella... old crash injury... irritated and maladjusted gremlins... other. My Ortho doctor will probably pronounce his diagnosis at my appointment this Tuesday afternoon. Place your opinion here on the board before Tuesday evening and the winner will get a free beer, courtesy of my knee-blown ass.
Date: 07/14/06 10:43 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:This better not get in the way of Savage romance! I bet a couple of donkey punches will take the swelling right out of that knee. You'll be happy to get on that bike when we are all (Christian goes twice) done with you.
Date: 07/15/06 08:58 AM
Name: Roy
Message:As long as there's a reach around and no Dirty Sanchez, things oughta work out jeeeees fiiine. Gimme da love!
Date: 07/15/06 09:44 PM
Name: Zach
Message:My guess is the blood from your vagina splattered onto your knees and caused some minor irritation. It's probably just a rash..... Have someone kiss your coochie and you'll feel better. I suggest Christian or Joe (Both are equally gentle and have that "oh so special touch") Hush up, drink a beer, and get on the bus. Love Z
Date: 07/16/06 09:08 PM
Name: John
Message:My money is on ripped tendons...and gonorrea
Date: 07/17/06 02:18 PM
Name: Donna Bridwell AKA Alderton
Message:Hey kiddies! I'm not placing bets on any knees or any other anatomy, but I AM doing what I can to possible ride the last day. Lance who???? Is there any chance I can get a ride from Indy to whatever the town is you ride into Friday night??? That would be super!!! HUGS!!!
Date: 07/18/06 08:30 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Well guys, the verdict is in. After x-rays and a thorough exam by the ortho specialist, it is determined that I have an abnormal buildup of inflamed and rough cartilage under the kneecaps. No one wins any beer, but I will throw John and Zac a beer apiece just for being smart-asses about it. I was given two cortizone shots and told to take it easy for a while. Now we all know that's simply not going to happen - I am coming anyway! Probably won't challenge the hills but will make a fine Bus Bitch for when I can't ride. I am GETTING ON THE BUS.
Date: 07/19/06 01:02 PM
Name: Randy F.
Message:So, Roy, it was only an aggrivation from being on your knees too much? Tell your boyfriend you'll have to lay off for awhile. Anyway, happy to know I'll get to see you this Saturday. Don't forget your seat cover...
Date: 07/19/06 07:09 PM
Name: Roy
Message:As opposed to you, Randy, who only needs to stand to be at the perfect height. Especially for me. Yeah, I went there. See you Saturday and dont' forget your stylin' necklace.
Date: 07/22/06 10:59 AM
Name: Amy Baum
Message:Here is a list of places that we are staying. Sargent Bluff @ 107 Sargent Sq Waukee : 720 West Branch Dr Newton: 403 East 2nd South By the DQ Marengo: 642 Clinton Av Coralville: 1965 Meadow Ridge Ln in Iowa City
Date: 08/02/06 04:26 AM
Name: Don
Message:Hey everyone here is the link to the paper!!
Date: 08/08/06 02:13 PM
Name: Jenny Wing
Message:What's up Savages! Missing you all after such a fabulous week of RAGBRAI. You guys truly made my first RAGBRAI something very special! I'm heading back to Iowa for work tomorrow and will be there until the 16th. I'll be in CR most of the time, and I'd love to see/party with anyone who is going to be around! Send me an email or give me a call.
Date: 08/09/06 05:07 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Ten days it's taken me to get the ride out of my system, so now I'm wanting pictures! If I have to go another ten days without, I'm going to lock you all in a room with the Numa Numa song played at high volume repeatedly so that you'll have to pour bleach in your ears to get it out of your skull afterwards. I WANT PICS. Give me the pics and no one gets hurt. And by the way, thanks for another excellent Ragbrai!
Date: 08/10/06 04:55 PM
Name: Jacob Spath
Message:Hey everyone, Just so you all know for the past week or two or three, since whenever ragbrai started I've done nothing but drink and ride my bike, with an occasional bartending shift to cover expenses. That was awesome, I hope you are all happy you've hooked me on the combination of biking and drinking at the same time. Betty Ford will be hard pressed to break me of this vice...See y'all on the trails...unless you want to come up to CF and grill some steaks and have some beers....
Date: 08/14/06 10:01 PM
Name: John
Message:Roy - I will get to pictures very soon. I have a bunch from Amy and Jill and a handful from Randy and Donna, so if anyone else has any send them my way. Jacob - That is a normal response to your first RAGBRAI. It gets a little harder once you join the corporate world. I have to ride my bike around the building periodically and chug beers under my desk. FYI - Any anonymous posts on the board will be deleted.
Date: 08/15/06 07:14 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Sweeeeeeeet - puts on best Homer voice - Urge to kill..... fading... fading... RISING!..... fading... fading... gone.
Date: 08/23/06 06:37 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Well done to all pic takers that have submitted - but I just know some are missing! Kristan, I'm looking at you! I still have the Numa Numa song ready and waiting; if you're extremely unlucky I will include in the loop a copy of Macarena! Then I'll hide your bleach, too, so you'll be in a rather horrible sitch! Send in the pics!
Date: 08/25/06 06:26 PM
Name: John
Message:Did anyone take any videos on RAGBRAI? Roy I know you were talking about it. I was thinking about putting up a video section on the site. Donna's got one for me now we just need to work out the technical details.
Date: 08/27/06 07:24 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Sorry - I failed miserably. After we loaded the bus at Casa Baum I never even took the damn thing out again. Totally screwed the pooch - but will aim to more performance next year, next ride, whichever.
Date: 08/30/06 09:34 AM
Name: John
Message:Back of the pack ride this sunday Who's down? Any change the bus is going?
Date: 09/01/06 08:15 AM
Name: Karen
Message:Dulle I am planning on going to the BOP ride if it is not raining. Are you going for sure???
Date: 09/09/06 05:48 PM
Name: Alicia
Message:Hay kids, we have great news for some and sad news for the rest. Andy proposed Labor Day weekend. Sorry to the Savage men, I say YES. Anither person headed to the hybrid team (Savage Whackers). We decided on May 2007 on the beach in Florida. We'll party hard later in May after we get back.
Date: 09/10/06 01:20 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Congrats, Alicia!! Andy is a great guy and I'm sure you two will have a most excellent time together!! At this rate, we single Savages are going to be in a distinct minority...
Date: 09/17/06 03:35 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Tally's Halloween Ride on Saturday, 28 October - I should be off the crutches by then - we supporting this year? I have still last year's complete costume I can finally wear.
Date: 10/06/06 12:25 AM
Name: Oktoberfest 2006.... Part Deux
Message:Oktoberfest 2006.... Part Deux! OK, warm up the bus! We are going back to La Crosse tomorrow. I will have Thad get the boats. I am calling all the bands and the " princesses" now. WE ARE GOING TO RELIVE LAST WEEKEND THIS WEEKEND! Let's roll.
Date: 10/11/06 06:10 AM
Name: Don
Message:Hey everyone!! FYI.. There is going to be a ride in memory of Erin Henderson starting in Quasky and then ride to Indee Oct. 14 at 10am I’m not going to make it but thought I could spread the word!! My boys are back in town this weekend so look out Haunted Houses and pumpkin patches!!!
Date: 10/24/06 10:31 AM
Name: Karen
Message:Anyone going to the Tallywhacker Halloween ride?
Date: 10/24/06 05:28 PM
Name: Roy
Message:I'm coming out for the Tally Ride/Bud Girls Party. Should be to Capt Aaron's house by 1300 or thereabouts. Don't know yet if I'm bringing the bike, as the recovery from knee surgery is proving to be a little longer than I'd planned for. Either way, I'll be happy as all hell to see you guys for the last time before the BRR. Just don't mind my gimp, and I may have to borrow a shoulder here and there.
Date: 10/29/06 03:21 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Thanks to all who showed and helped me laugh my way through a most excellent Halloween party weekend! Anyone had pics, please send them along!
Date: 11/16/06 10:09 PM
Name: John
Message:Check this out bike messenger race in NYC. These fuckers are fearless
Date: 12/14/06 12:52 AM
Name: Keri
Message:I'm not a savage but I promised this guy wearing goofy shorts at Hacienda I would leave a freakin message. So much sexy, and all in one convenient location. Nice work Dulle!
Date: 12/23/06 10:13 PM
Name: Phil from Chicago
Message:Hey! I met this crew in RAGBRAI 2006 and have a bunch of peeps who want to ride in 2007. Plue, I want to do the Brrrr ride. Who is gonna hook me up? I need a kilt too! Phil
Date: 12/24/06 01:30 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to once again some of the best people I've ever had the honor of calling my friends. You guys kick so much ass it's amazing there're any asses that still need kicking.
Date: 12/28/06 05:13 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Hey Phil, give me a call sometime and we will hook a brother up. 319 551 7898
Date: 12/29/06 02:53 PM
Name: Mrs. Jirak
Message:Hey Aaron - is there a ski trip in the works for BRR weekend? We (the Jirak's) may be interested in taking work off and going - I have never skiied (snow skiied that is) before so I think it is about time for a broken leg or so! :)
Date: 01/04/07 08:22 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:February 3rd will be the big day this year for BRR. It seemed that last years plan worked extremely well so I don't think we should change it. Not even this message. O.K., here is the plan. Saturday morning we will meet at the Zimmerman Body Shop on Council st. around 9am to load our bikes and livers. 10am sharp we will get on the bus and leave for Perry or maybe Rippy depending on the temperature and the wind. After a tough day of doing that thing we do, we will reload the bus at 8pm and head down 20 miles to Grimes where a hot meal and even hotter hot tub wait for the Savages. Super Bowl Sunday we will collect the Savages and head back to C.R. for a big day of football, naps and a party at Tommy's. Save strength for a ski trip the next morning. This is a fluid plan and may change slightly... but the "leave at 10am" thing is solid so dont be that late guy. Pack your beer and bikes and call me if you need me xoxoxo Aaron P.S. I have booked 6 rooms (so far) at about $120/4= $40 per person or so. Everybody except Christian gets a bed. Bus fair is free... and always has been.
Date: 01/15/07 11:30 AM
Name: Jeff Niemeier (Native)
Message:Sounds like the Savages have Brr already lined up... Just wanted to let you know that I have atleast 1 room available at the Perry Super 8 on Friday and Saturday in case anyone needs it for Brr. It is the only hotel in town since the one downtown is closed. A friend didn't check the calendar before booking a wedding on Brr weekend! Damn! I will have to leave Perry sometime in the afternoon. If I don't see the Saveages, ENJOY! Jeff Team Native
Date: 01/24/07 02:29 AM
Name: Jacob J. Spath
Message:Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I found a lightly used liver at the salvation army. I'll bring it to BRR if anyone wants it, trade for a pair of ski goggles or something warm for the ride. If no one is interested I'll soak it in Miller High Life and sacrafice it to the bus... See y'all there!
Date: 01/25/07 02:52 PM
Name: John
Email: duh you know it
Message:RAGBRAI route released. We got 2 kickass stops CF and Indie! The ride will roll from west to east through these overnight towns: Rock Rapids (July 21, on the eve of the ride), Spencer (July 22), Humbolt (July 23), Hampton (July 24), Cedar Falls (July 25), Independence (July 26), Dyersville (July 27) and Bellevue (July 28).
Date: 01/25/07 05:57 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Indie!!! Sweet!!!!!
Date: 01/25/07 10:11 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Message:Monday, February 5th, the Savage Bus will be headed to the fabulous Chestnut Mountain Ski Resort in Galena, Illinois for a great day. There will be skiing, snow boarding, and cocktails at the best ski lodge anywhere. The bus will leave from the Red Lobster parking lot at 10:00 am sharp and return at 8:00 pm the same day. We have negotiated a group rate for this trip to keep the costs down. Lift ticket… $23 if you want to ski Ski or board rental… $17 if you need skis Bus fare… $10 if you want to ride on the bus You can take your own food and drink with you to save cash. If you have a F.M. walkie-talkie, bring it along. Contact Aaron Baum (319) 551-7898 with your questions. This is going to big fun!
Date: 01/26/07 05:50 PM
Name: Zman
Message:The BRR ride with the Savages is too much fun. Can't wait. See everyone next Saturday!
Date: 02/27/07 07:49 AM
Name: Tina Boesenberg
Message:Hello everyone, just wanted to say hi and invite everyone who is available on Sat March 3rd to a b-day / house party. Whatever you want to call it, it starts at 3pm and goes to whenever you feel the need to go. I know there is a bachular party that day, but all the girls are invited. The address is 1629 34th st. ne. ph#(319)213-0534. Food is provided, byob, later, Tina B.
Date: 02/27/07 02:22 PM
Name: Andy and Alicia
Message:Hi guys, we are looking for addresses for the savages. You can email them to us. Our day is comming soon, so please help us out. We want everyone at the party.
Date: 02/28/07 11:35 AM
Name: Randy
Message:Greetings from the Tar Heel state. I'm writing to confirm the rumor..."Colorado Randy" (some of you know me as drunk or naked Randy)is returning to Iowa. I've taken a position with another division of my company and plan to move to Lake Okoboji/Spirit Lake the end of March. I'll be so close to the start point of RABGRAI '08 I could ride my own bike there, but that would just be wrong. I'm also flying back for the JD wedding. So, I'll see you all very soon. Love to all, Randy.
Date: 03/07/07 01:52 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey All - what's the deal-eo on the upcoming ride in Dyserville for St. Paddy's day? Is anyone going - is the bus going? Just wonderin'...
Date: 03/07/07 02:04 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:OK - me again. I was just wandering down memory lane reading all of these fine posting on our fabulous message board maintained by the greatest computer nerd ever (John Dulle - love ya babe) and it reminded me that the PIGMAN SPRINT TRIATHLON is fast approaching. I really hope to see some more Savages in the race this year. NOW is the time to start training - get your asses in the gym and GO! And if you want to get the cheapest registration fee, the due date is 3/17!! Go to and download your application ASAP!! And quit being pussies and do it - just once! It is a lot of fun!
Date: 03/14/07 06:32 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: I'm thinking the bus may need to head to the St. patties ride in Dyersville on Saturday. I was thinking about getting rooms unless someone solber wants to step up and drive the bus home. I'll collect your thoughts and let you know whats up very soon. Will John Dullie be home by then? Do they have the internet in Paris? He could be watching over us right now. Two years ago I wore my kilt on this ride and my bb s nearly fell off. This year maybe they will.
Date: 03/15/07 07:14 AM
Name: Todd
Message:Mark(Henry) and I will be there and have a crash site reserved at the Super 8. Thanks for the heads up on the bb s. I'll try to ride around and not over any I see laying on the road.
Date: 03/15/07 03:26 PM
Name: Carly Hummel
Message:Hey I've been looking around for a team to join (hopefully still in time for RAGBRAI) I also have a friend that is interested also. Please let me know if you would like some more members. Thank you!
Date: 03/18/07 11:12 PM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message:Carly, give me a call or email me and we will get you started. We like to ride the bike trail in CR. Maybe you can ride with us down to the New Shack Tavern sometime and we'll buy you a beer. Mark Henry, Sorry we did'nt make to Dyersville for the fun but I had a mini mutany and my wife made me remodle the bathroom. When I get it done we are going to have a big party like the one we had in 2002 when I finished the bus bathroom. I'll see you there.
Date: 03/19/07 11:05 PM
Name: John
Message:Just got back from Paris and Dublin. It went swimmingly. Yes Aaron they have Internet in Paris and of course I was still watching over everyone. I just did not use the Internet while there because I was too busy insulting the French and drinking Guinness.
Date: 03/28/07 02:10 PM
Name: Donna Bridwell
Message:Hey kiddies! Does anyone know when the RASH ride will be? And remind we stay in CR or wherever the ride is?
Date: 04/03/07 02:21 PM
Name: John Hunte
Message:You all rock, Last week at the shack after a few we commenced up the trail. Play hard & ride hard, YEA. When's the next Shack, Chrome Horse, Sammy's run...?
Date: 04/04/07 05:57 AM
Name: John
Message:Donna the Rash Ride is June 9th If history repeats itself (as it usually does) than we will stay at the big house in Indy.
Date: 04/05/07 12:58 PM
Name: Jacob J. Spath
Message:Hey all, Just wondering if anyone is going to be around for fools ride. I know its easter and all but I'd like to go if anyone else will be there...lemme know! j 641-580-1479 ps if anyone has an extra kilt I have $$
Date: 04/05/07 07:24 PM
Name: Savage Aaron
Message: The fools ride sounds good to me. We will break the bus out of moth balls Saturday morning at 10:30 Zimmerman body shop and leave at 11:00. Laport is about one bus hour away. We will stop on the way to get supplies and feed if you need to. After the ride at about 8:00 we will leave Laport and head back to C.R. I'll see you there. Call me if you need advise. 319 551 7898
Date: 04/06/07 09:21 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:So is this actually the April Fool's ride tomorrow or the BRR ride? Because it sure is going to feel like the BRR ride of year's past (not this year's of course b/c that was arctic weather). Everyone bring your blankies and dress warm!!! What happened to spring?
Date: 04/06/07 06:37 PM
Name: J Spath
Message:So I'll shoot to be there around nooner. If anyone want to carpool from CF gimme a ring!
Date: 04/18/07 09:37 PM
Name: brian
Message:Hey guys. I heard about your club from my friend Steve Schwartz. He was telling me how much fun ragbrai is and i'd like to give it a shot. I live in cedar rapids. How do i join? Thanks, brian
Date: 05/14/07 02:24 PM
Name: Randy Ferry
Message:I met a guy selling brand new TREK 1200 road bikes for $499. These are still in the box. They only come in a 52cm frame, so they'd be ideal for shorter female, or anyone Randy sized. I can hook you up if you're interested. Just email me.
Date: 05/15/07 06:04 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey All! Looking to get a bike for a friend (girl) size 52-54ish. If anyone has something sitting around let me know. See ya at bud this weekend...
Date: 05/15/07 06:09 PM
Name: Jacob
Email: board before you post :p
Date: 05/23/07 02:05 PM
Name: Don
Message:A 2006 study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found that Americans drink an average of 22 gallons of beer a year. That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles per gallon. Not Bad! But I think that if they did the study on the Subtle Savages I think the MPG would run about 4 MPG!!!
Date: 05/25/07 10:36 AM
Name: Roy
Message:That's because when intoxicated, Savages tend to walk not in straight lines, but in strange, unpredicatable patterns. And when Savage males are aroused, we tend to follow women in all directions, and as all men know, women can't walk in a straight line, whether in the mall or in the beer garden! (Ducking)
Date: 05/30/07 10:49 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: I think that 4 MPG is rather generous for the average Savage and down right insulting for the high out-put Savages. Let me explain. High out-put anythings require, if not the best fuel, lots of it! The biggest airplanes do not use the best fuels but a lot of it. The humming bird consumes it own weight in fuel in a very short period, and the Savage Bus can drink even more then it's loaded load per mile. I think at this time of year we should not think of over-all effiency, but how to get an over-loaded liver home safely.
Date: 06/05/07 07:21 PM
Name: Clint
Message:Looking forward to seeing everyone at RASH this weekend. You coming down Roy? See ya all Friday. Oh yeah, new Ween drops on Friday!
Date: 06/07/07 06:18 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Yep, I'll be there Friday evening at Baum's on the Wapsi. See y'all then!
Date: 06/07/07 08:24 PM
Name: Aaron Baum
Email: 319 551 7898
Message: Hey Savages, the Rash Ride is here again and it looks as if we will have a bumper crop of bikers this year. We are welcome once again to stay at the "big house" 405 3rd ave n.e. just a block from the party. Upon arrivial it would be a good idea to park your car at the big house so that you will not have to drive after the ride. Bring a bed roll because the bed space is limited but there is 45 million sq ft of floor space. I'll be in Indee Friday night to start the party. I hope to see you there. Call me if you need further instructions.
Date: 06/18/07 09:45 AM
Name: Donna
Message:Hey Savages! The date for the Moonlight Ramble is August 25th. So mark it on the calander!
Date: 06/21/07 10:26 AM
Name: Donna
Message:Yeah, I realized we will not be in St Louis that weekend. But feel free to go anyway! It's a great time.
Date: 06/26/07 01:29 PM
Name: Brian Huggins (newest savage)
Message:If anyone is interested in some comedy and of course drinking, i'll be performing at amateur night at penguins comedy club this thursday (June 28). Rumor has it that Joe will also be onstage.... It may not be funny, but if you drink enough you won't notice. cheers, brian
Date: 06/28/07 10:53 AM
Name: Joel
Message:A Savage clad in kilt Left a bar one evening fair And one could tell by how he walked He'd drunk more than his share He stumbled on until He could no longer keep his feet Then staggered off into the grass To sleep beside the street. A pair of young and lovely girls Just happened to come by And one said to the other, With a twinkle in her eye: "You see yon sleeping Savage, So strong and handsome built.. I wonder if it's true What they don't wear beneath the kilt?" They crept upon the sleeping Savage, Quiet as could be, And lifted up his kilt above the waist, So they could see... And there, behold, for them to view, Beneath his Scottish skirt T'was nothing but What God has graced him with upon his birth! They marveled for a moment, Then one said: "We'd best be gone. But let's leave a present for our friend Before we move along!" So as a gift, they left a blue silk ribbon, Tied into a bow, Around the Bonnie Star The Scottish kilt did lift and show! The Savage woke to Nature's Call, And stumbled towards a tree Behind the bush, he lifts his kilt, And gawks at what he sees! Then, in a startled voice he says To what's before his eyes: "I don’t know where y'been, m'lad, But I see you won First Prize!" Our Savage friend, still dressed in kilt, Continued up the street He hadn't gone ten yards or more, When a lass he chanced to meet. She said: "I've heard what's underneath there, Tell me, is it so?" He said: "Just slip your hand up, lass, If you really want to know!" So she slipped her hand right up his kilt, And much to her surprise, The Savage smiled, And a very strange look came into his eyes, She said: "Why, sir, that's gruesome!" And then she heard him roar: "If you stick yer hand up once again, You'll find it grew some more!"
Date: 07/06/07 03:30 PM
Name: Kristan
Message:Hey Baums? Any confirmations on the costs for RAGBRAI for 2007? Inquiring minds need to know...
Date: 07/07/07 04:16 AM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey so I guess I'm becoming a bike broker of sorts but my buddy really wants to buy a roadie and wont stop bugging me about buying mine which I'm not parting with. So does anyone know of a solid 56cm for reasonable price? Randy if you swing by your guy give a looksie. Thanks guys....see y'all in two weeks!
Date: 07/11/07 01:13 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey all, Thought I'd let you know I'm sponsoring a raffel this year. Tickets are $2-3 depending on where you get them, available at every beer tent along the way. Multiple winners each night. Winners get a throbbing head ache, plush fuzzy socks for each tooth in your mouth, and a load of cat shit for taste. Some lucky winners will receive a bed buddy of the opposite sex (or joel) who has taken a severe beating from the ugly stick since the night before. Other lucky winners will receive a not so free nights stay in the only hotel on ragbrai Shaefer's Pokie Inn and Suites. Proceeds will benefit the Miller Brewing Co and it's distributors as well as the Iowa Liver Transplant Association. Play Away!
Date: 07/12/07 10:13 AM
Name: Randy
Message:Jacob, My guy in Fairmont has a 56cm TREK Madone SL 5.2 (Discover Channel) for $1700. I saw others on line for about $3500. This bike is all carbon and Dura-Ace comp. Look it up. He also has several TREK 56cm 1500 SLR's for $900. Damn nice bikes for the price. Let me know if either of those are of interest to your friend. Randy.
Date: 07/13/07 06:20 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Hey - I'll be in CR on Thursday and Friday 18/19 on business - anyone needing a drinking buddy either of those two nights is encouraged to drop me a line!
Date: 07/14/07 01:06 AM
Name: Aaron
Message:I could use a little help on the bus this last week. Mostly paint, polish, bike racks, and and cleaning. I have everything ready and a clear vision, I just need a few monkeys to execute my evil plan.
Date: 07/14/07 01:12 AM
Name: Aaron
Message: It will cost $220 to be a Subtle Savage for another year's membership. What a bargian! Bus rides, kilts and stories for one full year.
Date: 07/17/07 02:02 PM
Name: Jenny Wing
Message:Hey Savages, I'm super bummed, but I won't be able to join you this year for RAGBRAI. Work has me tethered to my desk for far too much of my life right now. I'm upset just thinking about all of the great times I'll be missing. The only good news is that I will be back in Iowa during August, so I'll try and make it up to you then with at least one night of savagery.
Date: 07/18/07 02:48 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey I was just wondering what a young buck like my self has to do to become a member and see all that jazz I'm missing out one...or is that link just a tease?
Date: 07/18/07 06:08 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:I'll miss Jeeny Wing!
Date: 07/29/07 09:10 PM
Name: The Total Package
Message:Hey guys, I was cleaning out the Team Blonde bus today and I found a couple of helmets that I think may have been left on our bus on Saturday. One is easy to describe, it has a picture of Lindsay Lohan taped to it. If you are missing one let me know I will get it back to you. Corey
Date: 07/30/07 10:46 AM
Name: Newbs
Message:Hey, guys & gals! Great meeting you all and partying with you for awhile on your bus on Friday. Roy makes a "mean vodka with a shot of ice tea". Sorry we had to leave..... looking forward to coming up to CR for a party ride - we'll be checking the Bike Iowa Calendar. You guys are awesome! Newbs, Rachelle & Melinda from Waukee, Iowa
Date: 08/03/07 11:45 AM
Name: Jacob J. Spath
Message:Hey all, I guess we have more fun than anyone else on ragbrai and seem to wind up in the news a little more often as result.
Date: 08/05/07 11:49 AM
Name: Randy
Message:Hey, Dulle. Where are the pics? Can't we get people to send their crap in? C'mon people.
Date: 08/07/07 12:00 AM
Name: Gavin Sandvig
Message:Okay, so I am finally back to kind of normal. In fact it is so normal, that I want to do it all over again. When is the next time we get together? Ladies and Gents, I had the time of my life! I am anxious to hear how Independence went. Looking forward to seeing some pics and I will be emailing mine soon! Peace out!
Date: 08/10/07 08:43 AM
Name: Donna
Message:Dulle, I have picturs coming your way. Savages, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.... Lets do it again soon.
Date: 08/10/07 09:49 AM
Name: Autumn
Message:Lisbon Sauerkraut Days tonight--Tally bus will be there with 2 kegs if anyone is interested. We are congregating at Dave and Kim Stange's house :)
Date: 08/11/07 10:35 AM
Name: Angela (San Diego)
Message:Dear Aaron and Savages, Thanks for the great Ragbrai! Can't wait to come back next year and do it again. In the meantime there are some great rides coming up in So. California if anyone is in the area! See ya'll at Ragbrai in 2008.
Date: 08/11/07 06:57 PM
Name: Connie Bates/Team MOM in SPENCER
Message:Hi, Everybody! Glad to see you made the Des Moines Register...we laughed so hard when we saw the article about Don's sleep walking! I found out whose basement he landed in! It was our neighbors only a couple of blocks away! She said she was up & heard something in the basement & grabbed her golf club! She said it sounded like somebody fell down the steps. She woke her husband up, by the time they got down the basement, there was nothing there but the trail of beer and the window screen off the window! Neither of us would have known except our dtr Anna (remember her?) was talking to their son & told him about Don sleepwalking! She came over a few days later to show us she was reading the Register and realized it was our incident she was reading about! LOL! How is Brad's foot? Was he able to ride any of the way? Just want you all to know what a great time we had having you stay...I did not know you had such a "reputation", however you were all very gracious and respectful at our can come back anytime! Wish you all well. Oh, and for those of you Pampered Chef fans my website is TTFN!
Date: 08/19/07 07:36 PM
Name: John
Message:Hey everybody. Anybody that has pictures that would like to get them on the website please send to me posthaste. Thanks to those that have done so already. I would like to do them all in one big update and I plan on doing so after this weekend when I return from Wisconsin. If you can send via email do so. If you have more than email will allow call or email and and I can make some sort of arraingement. Thanks John
Date: 08/20/07 03:18 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Well, I've done it again. Playing beach volleyball last Tuesday night I had to be a hero, dove at an angle to dig for a ball, and tried to win the game for our team on Match Point. Instead, I tore my left ACL so bad that I hit the sand before the ball did, and will now require reconstruction surgery on 13 September. Three times this'll make that I go under the knife for my knees within a year. And I've never broken a single bone in my body, either. I suck. Naturally, this will put me out of both Octoberfest parties, and probably out of commission for a few months to boot. With any luck I can make the BRR, but don't think I'll be on my bike any time soon. See you all in February provided I don't find some other new and interesting way to f**k myself up even worse before then.
Date: 08/25/07 09:33 AM
Name: brian h
Message:Check out these links: Be sure to read the comments. If you go through the slide show, there are some pictures of savages :) brian
Date: 09/05/07 06:24 AM
Name: Don
Message:Hey John the pictures look like another year of great times had by all Savages!! Even the goat boy was happy?? Thanks to all for putting up with me one more year!!
Date: 09/05/07 08:35 AM
Name: New Tallywhacker
Message:I don't know what is in the beer Points Tallywhacker has arrived. Little kickass sister to Zoie Simone, Ava Savonne Points arrived 7-8-07 at 4:31 pm at a steller 8.8 oz and 21 inches long. Mother Points was sighted in perfect tallywhacker form and not skipping a beat w/ a coors light in her hands by 4:32 pm. while ordering up epiderals for the whole damn bar.
Date: 09/05/07 06:28 PM
Name: Michelle
Message:lbs not oz dickhead...that would make her the size of 3/4 of a coors light can. Where is my BEER????
Date: 09/05/07 06:34 PM
Name: Points
Message:It appears that in previous message board postings I have been less than kind when refering to being married and how fun it is to be married...blah blah blah. Let me set the the recoed strait...I love being married. That is absolutly all I have to write.
Date: 09/05/07 10:15 PM
Name: John
Message:Congrats Michelle and Dave on your new baby and your seemingly happy relationship hehe.
Date: 09/10/07 06:05 PM
Name: Jacob J. Spath
Message:Hey all, just an fyi, I decided to halfway grow up and quit bartending. I moved to Ames, IA and got a job working for a college travel company, basically this means when I meet college girls I will have to talk to them when they're sober. I always say challenge yourself to the next level! Anywho look me up if your in the area for drinking or riding or both, I have floor space if your into the iowa v iowastate game too!
Date: 10/04/07 02:54 PM
Name: Brian Points
Message:Hey all. Just a heads up that the Tallys will be having our Halloween ride on the 20th this year instead of the weekend before Halloween because of the game on the 27th. Route is pretty much the same as always, Pattys to the Shack and back. And, as an added bonus, I will be in town for the weekend. So if you can make it for a while I would love to see you all.
Date: 10/05/07 08:04 PM
Name: RandyMKE
Email: Wonder Twin Powers....
Date: 10/23/07 12:40 PM
Name: John
Message:More counties are considering wither to ban RAGBRAI from riding on their roads. Check out this article and vote No. Vote is really close not sure why their are so many RAGBRAI hitting douche's out their.
Date: 10/24/07 07:06 PM
Name: Savageaaro
Message:This Saturday Dave Gissel (Indy Savage of Brr ride fame) and Terra Noe are getting married in Independence at 3:00 at the Luthern Church. If you would like to go with me and see the carnage please let me know. xoxo Aaron
Date: 12/24/07 08:59 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my Savage Bruthas and Sistas! May the Season find you in good health, happiness, and with a blue yummie or two...
Date: 12/27/07 03:48 PM
Name: John
Message:Kari and I will be having a New Year's party at our house 1118 Clifton St NE CR. Show up anytime after 7:00. We will have some orderves and one pony keg. Please feel free to bring something to eat or drink to share. Pool, GH3, drunken merriment, bulldog slober will be provided. I am still on the fence about hookers or strippers.
Date: 12/28/07 07:58 PM
Name: Jeff J.
Message:I vote for hookers over strippers due to the added fun of killing them when the party is over. Also, I will pay extra if I can take one home.
Date: 01/07/08 04:29 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:February 3rd will be the big day this year for BRR. It seemed that last years plan worked extremely well so I dont think we should change it. Not even this message. O.K., here is the plan. Saturday morning we will meet at the Zimmerman Body Shop on Council st. around 9am to load our bikes and livers. 10am sharp we will get on the bus and leave for Perry or maybe Rippy depending on the temperature and the wind. After a tough day of doing that thing we do, we will reload the bus at 8pm and head down 20 miles to Grimes where a hot meal and even hotter hot tub wait for the Savages. Super Bowl Sunday we will collect the Savages and head back to C.R. for a big day of football, naps and maybe a party. This is a fluid plan and may change slightly... but the "leave at 10am" thing is solid so dont be that late guy. Pack your beer and bikes and call me if you need me xoxoxo Aaron P.S. I have booked 6 rooms (so far)The cost of the room and bus fare will be at $50. Everybody except Christian gets a bed. I'll see you there.
Date: 01/09/08 12:17 PM
Name: Jacob Spathicle
Message:Hey guys, check out this article. I guess we're all going to live forever!
Date: 01/20/08 08:43 PM
Name: Markus P
Message:Do Savages ever intentionally take your bikes off-road? I've personally only witnessed the occasional drunken side trip into the ditch. Anywho... there are now mountain bike trails in Cedar Rapids. Conditions aren't ideal for riding at present but after a few months the snow will melt, the ground will dry up, and it will be time to ride Beverly Park in the Spring. Never tried mountain biking? Post on the online forum and someone will probably hook you up with a bike and take you out to see the trails. Actually, even if you are an experienced mountain biker, I'd suggest riding with someone who knows their way around - it's kind of a maze out there. Over the winter month feel free to join us for some barley pops at the local bars. Check out and go to the forums for more details on the next event.
Date: 01/22/08 04:12 PM
Name: The Jiraks
Email: The newest Savage has arrived
Message:OK - so this is a little delayed in getting posted, but I am a busy woman, dammit! You get up at 3AM every night with a crying baby and see how on top of things you are! Anyhoo...the little baby Jirak arrived on 11-23-07 - Chloe Nicole weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 20 in long. She was kind enough to wait until her mommy got her fill of fabulous turkey dinner. Her daddy now says that she may not have some birthdays though in the future b/c Thanksgiving will inevitably fall on that day and he can't make the turkey magically turn into a birthday cake - poor thing! Joe has also dubbed her a "party animal" b/c she is a night owl and likes to stay up past 11PM...I guess in preparation for her future as the Alpha Female leader of the Savages of the next generation! I guess vodka in the sippy cup should eventually be added to that regimine... Ciao!
Date: 01/25/08 10:10 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Who is having the Super Bowl party this year???
Date: 01/30/08 12:00 PM
Name: Roy
Message:We can crab all we want about closed bars and being chased in before dark by the State Patrol - but be glad our guys aren't as bad as this: Bicyclist tased when he runs for minor infraction By E-R Staff Article Launched: 01/29/2008 12:00:00 AM PST HAMILTON CITY -- A man riding a bicycle with improper lighting equipment was shot with a Taser stun gun Wednesday night as he ran from a deputy who tried to stop him for the infraction. After repeated attempts, Glenn County sheriff's deputy Cale Smith said he finally got the attention of the rider on Sierra Street, who jumped from the bike and began running. After a half-block chase and several warnings from Smith that he would use the Taser, he did. Sgt. Scott James said only one probe struck the man, identified as Omar Herrada Rivera, 39, and he received no shock. Smith caught up with him near the garage of a home, and took him into custody after a brief struggle. James said Smith was fully justified in firing his Taser, because Rivera was running toward a home, and could have endangered people inside. "We consider the Taser as being at the same level of force as other weapons, including pepper spray and batons," James said. He added that deputies don't deploy Tasers against subjects who are driving or riding a bike because of the risk factor. Rivera was transported to Glenn Medical Center, where he was cleared for booking into the Glenn County Jail on suspicion of resisting arrest, riding a bicycle without proper lighting, riding under the influence of alcohol and use of false citizenship/government documents.
Date: 01/30/08 12:06 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:For what its worth I know a family willing to sacrifice their lawn for us in Ames this year on ragbrai. She even said she'd cook us breakfast in the morning! Its a newer subdevelopment, not on google maps yet, on the North end of town. It'd be a bit removed from Main St and Welch Ave so no walking to the bars but its an option unless something better comes up. Oh and their neighbor is Gene Chizick so if you're a big Iowa fan you can go poop in his lawn or something! See Y'all Saturday
Date: 02/04/08 01:48 PM
Name: Don Davis
Message: LAST CALL BEFORE THE BALL & CHAIN! Just letting anyone & everyone who wants to celebrate with Holly and I one last time before tying the knot that we are planning a Satruday, March 1st bachelor/bachelorette party. We will make a few bar crawl stops in the Great Buchanan County Area and end up with Holly's group some time that night in Independence. After they push us out the door of the bar, the bus will drop us off at our door where everyone is welcome to stay, party, sleep, pass out or crawl into a very shallow grave!!!
Date: 02/08/08 10:55 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:The amazing Jenny Wing will be in town tomorrow (Sat the 9th)at 9:00pm for one show only. Not sure where... but this is going to happen. Don't miss it!
Date: 02/20/08 08:27 AM
Name: Don
Message:An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing?' The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.' So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up. A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.' Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.' Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity. Hope to see you on March 1st!!
Date: 02/25/08 01:36 PM
Name: Don
Message:Hey anyone know Randy Ferry's address Thanks
Date: 02/27/08 06:25 AM
Name: Don
Message:Thanks I got Randy's address I hope everyone is training for RAGBRAI
Date: 03/03/08 09:26 AM
Name: Don
Message:Hey Just wanted to Thank all the savages that made my Bachelor party a hit!! I had a great time!! See all of you that can make it to the Church or Hall March 29!!
Date: 03/09/08 07:57 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey, just wondering if anyone is going to dyersville for the Paddy's ride or not. If you're going what are your plans?
Date: 03/26/08 09:50 AM
Name: Kristan
Message:Anyone planning on going up to La Porte City for the April Fools ride on the 5th? I will be flying solo that day and want some playmates!
Date: 03/28/08 12:56 PM
Name: Jeff
Message:As it turns out I just received a small pile of pockets that were made over the last few months on my Mommy's free time. The cost is 8 bucks per pocket. They are the same dimensions as my pocket, and can be attached the same way. All you have to be able to do is sew two buttons (which are included) onto your kilt where you would like your pocket to hang. I would recommend putting the buttons onto your waistline around to the right or left side. It will be out of the way during riding, and easy to get to when the time comes to purchase more beer. One pocket will work on multiple kilts, all you will need is another set of buttons and the pocket can come off one and onto the other. The pockets are on a first come first serve basis. So, send me an e-mail if you want me to hold one for you.
Date: 04/01/08 12:46 PM
Name: Zach
Message:Calling all Savages!!!! It looks offical that we are going on our 5th April Fools ride in La Porte City on Saturday April 5th. It looks like the bus is leaving @ 1200 sharp for the short ride to La Porte City. Rumor has it that the Party Patrol will be on board so pack your spare livers. See you all Saturday Z
Date: 04/14/08 11:36 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey, Don't know if anyone has plans but I think I'm going to do this ride in Nevada. Talked to some folks and it sounds like a pretty good time. I'm going to try and set a bike record for how many beers I can carry on it at one time so it should be an event to see.
Date: 04/24/08 07:34 AM
Name: John
Message:I have seen Christian carry 3 cases. I don't know if that is his record but certainly an impressive number to shoot for.
Date: 04/25/08 02:00 PM
Name: Paul Dunn
Message:I just wanted to let you and your members know about a laundry service that will be available to you during RAGBRAI this year. I own Main Street Maytag Laundromat in State Center, a new business. My building is located directly on the route between Ames and Tama/Toledo on Wednesday, July 23. As the riders travel into State Center, the route comes East on Main Street, and turns North at my building. Not only is the laundromat available for your riders or support personnel to use, but I am offering pick-up service in Ames Tuesday night, and drop-off service Wednesday night in Tama/Toledo. I would be glad to coordinate this service with your club in any way that best suits your needs. I can be contacted at 641 751-3312, or at I hope my business can be of service to you. Paul Dunn Main Street Maytag Laundromat 101 East Main Street State Center, Iowa 50247
Date: 05/11/08 08:59 PM
Name: Silky
Message: Hi! I am going to try to make it to Iowa for the Bud Ride next saturday, Hope to see you there! Cheers! Silky
Date: 05/13/08 01:15 PM
Name: Brian Huggins
Message:Fellow savages, There is a comedy show at Cocktails on Blairs Ferry this thursday (May 15). I'll be performing along with some other local comics. If you are not busy, show up and have some drinks with me!
Date: 05/19/08 11:16 AM
Name: Jacob
Message:Is anyone planning on camping this weekend in CF?
Date: 05/19/08 11:58 PM
Name: Aaron
Message: Yes Jacob, It's time. Any one hang out in Cedar Falls during the week?
Date: 05/21/08 06:04 AM
Name: John
Message:Savage camping trip at Black Hawk County Park in Cedar Falls memorial day weekend. We will be there both Friday and Saturday. Friday night will be a sent leisurely drinking around a campfire. Saturday we will destroy the CF/Waterloo trail system on our bicycles and than come back and leisurely drink around a campfire again. A great time will be had by all. Let Aaron know if you plan to attend.
Date: 06/18/08 09:59 PM
Name: John
Message:Board is backup sorry for the downtime. Damn spam bots were posting smut on our clean, upstanding website.
Date: 06/24/08 02:00 PM
Name: brian huggins
Message:Please confirm your are a human....I failed this twice! I am only part human. Hey there is a comedy contest this thursday at penguins. I will be in the contest and I could use someone to laugh at me! Penguins is now at the Clarion Hotel on 33rd ave since the downtown location was flooded. Be there by 7:30 or so if you decide to come. thanks, brian
Date: 06/30/08 02:35 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Well, good news and bad news. Some of you will know that I was losing my job at the end of June due to my company collapsing, and as such, Ragbrai would be nearly impossible to make. However, that bad news is pwned by the news today that I will shortly be receiving an offer from a new company, which although it will still cause me to miss Ragbrai, will ensure that I not only won't lose my ass, but will be able to breathe a lot easier. Have a fantastic Ragbrai - I will see those of you that go on the re-scheduled RASH on 30 August.
Date: 07/05/08 08:57 PM
Name: Clint
Message:Glad to see we are now free from spambots! I thought that since the PICKLE Ride is probably going to be a bust this year why not ride a portion of RAGBRAI backwards then forwards instead. I suggest we do the Heritage Days ride. "Ride will begin at 9 AM in downtown Mount Vernon. This year the ride will go from Mount Vernon through Lisbon and south on the Sutliff Road toward Sutliff and on to Solon. Riders are welcome to stop at Sutliff on the way to and/or from Solon if they wish. From Solon, the ride returns on the same route and will end back in uptown Mount Vernon. Riders are encouraged to stay and enjoy the Heritage Days' music, beer garden and food vendors." I also suggest we start @ 11 instead of 9. However, there is a gourmet breakfast from 8:30 to 11.
Date: 07/07/08 10:22 PM
Name: brian
Message:here are some pictures i took from the bud ride:
Date: 07/09/08 10:58 AM
Name: Main Street Maytag Laundromat
Message:Hi. Writing to tell you about laundry service available to your riders and support people during RAGBRAI. I will collect in Ames Tuesday, July 22: Corner of Hayward and Mortensen, very near the campgrounds. All laundry accepted will be kept seperate and will be available for pick-up in Tama on Wednesday. The laundry will be washed in mesh bags, 18" by 24", for only $7.00 per bag. I hope this service will be of interest to your club! Paul Dunn
Date: 07/10/08 09:08 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Great pics Brian! Well done! Wish I coulda been there... see you at RASH!
Date: 07/11/08 07:56 AM
Name: Randy F
Message:Aaron-eous, Any news, instructions, stern advice, or restraining order awareness information to pass on to Savage Members and pretenders regarding this year's RAGBRAI?
Date: 07/14/08 11:28 AM
Name: Aaron-eous
Message:GET On THE BUS!!!
Date: 07/14/08 11:37 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:Hello Savages, It's time to pack your tents and head to Marion. If you can get here Friday and drop off your stuff, that would be best. Amy and I will be here (until we go party) to take on gear, pass out gear, and load gear. Saturday morning will be busy so get here early. We will continue to load right up until 10:00 AM CST at which time I'll make last call and then ask Don to drive away. (Get on the Bus!) At this time it looks as if we have a fairly full bus but of course we can always make room if someone joins up late. Thanks for comming and I'll see all of you soon. xoxox Aaron
Date: 07/16/08 08:43 PM
Name: kim
Message:yea, fun times are ahead for next week! however, shortly after RAGBRAI there will be more fun times! don baker's birthday is coming up in august and we are going skydiving - for more info shoot me an e-mail! :-)
Date: 07/17/08 02:09 PM
Name: brian
Message:Hey guys, can't wait for the trip. If you are not too busy tonight (thursday) there is a comedy show at cocktails starting at 8. If nothing else, get a head start on ragbrai party.
Date: 07/19/08 08:18 AM
Name: StewPaddasso
Date: 07/27/08 07:31 PM
Name: John
Message:Another RAGBRAI has been successfully navigated! Thanks to everyone who helped keep me entertained with your shenanigans and tomfoolery. Send me pictures ASAP I would like to get the site updated with as many as possible. If you have a couple email them to me. If you have many send me a disk. Email me for my address.
Date: 07/30/08 04:40 PM
Name: Heather Armstrong (not Kramer, Jeff)
Message:Check out new pics from RAGBRAI: I'm not sure, but I think Randy might recognize a few townies that made it in front of the lens. Thanks for a great week!
Date: 07/31/08 02:53 PM
Name: brian
Message:Guys, I have some ragbrai pics posted on picasa. Send me a message and i'll give you the link (feel free to forward it after that). I wont post it here cause some of you may not want the world to see you! brian
Date: 07/31/08 09:57 PM
Name: Martin
Message:Guys, thanks a lot for taking me along on RAGBRAI. I had a blast! Hope to see you all again on future rides. And I'm planning on doing the full week of RAGBRAI next year, just got to get a real bike first and retire my mountain bike.
Date: 07/31/08 11:20 PM
Name: Angela
Message:Hey Savages - Thanks for the fun filled week! Had so much fun, I'm counting down the days until we can do it again. Unfortunately, for you and me, it probably won't be for another 11 months. Can't wait to see pictures. Keep in touch.... Angela
Date: 08/06/08 12:16 PM
Name: John
Message:Hey if anyone is interested Kathy Murphy of STIFF runs a Wendesday Night Bike Ride (WNBC). I have gone the last couple of weeks and it is usually a good time. Tonight is a cell phone scavenger hunt ride. Not sure of all the details but it leaves from Mahoney's at 6:00 PM and goes south if anyone would like to come I will be there.
Date: 08/06/08 11:03 PM
Name: Donna
Message:Don's big bash is 2 weekends away. And so is the MOONLIGHT RAMBLE! So if you hate jumping from planes but fantasize about biking the city streets of St Louis at midnight, bars stops mandatory of course, call me! Hey, I might even get me sister to come.... to St Louis. Hooray Beer!
Date: 08/06/08 11:07 PM
Name: Donna
Message:PS Did anyone catch the footage of the World Naked Bike Ride St. Louis? (Protest again oil use) It was really really really good looking.....sometimes. Jason and I represented. We drove our gas guzzling SUV 30 miles there biked 10 miles and drove 30 miles back home. Keepin' it real. I'm afraid even wearing kilts would have been overdressing at this event:) It was awesomme. Pump iron not gas! Burn fat not oil!
Date: 08/07/08 04:08 AM
Name: Don
Message:Very Nice Lean, mean, smoking hot biking machine! Do you think I could drive the bust for this ride???
Date: 08/07/08 11:46 AM
Name: John
Message:Heather and I are going to ride our bicyles on Saturday 8/9/2008 to Lisbon to eat Saurkraut by the gallon. I plan to leave my house around 11ish head over to Mt Vernon rd to pick Heather up and head out from there. The Tally's bus will be in front of Dave and Kims house forcing us to drink their beer. If you are like me and like fun I think you should come with us. This is sanctioned as a RAGBRAI 2 event and kilts will be worn. Let me know if you wanna go.
Date: 08/07/08 11:52 AM
Name: John
Message:The Savages sure get around, even famous people know who we are. Check out this video immediately. Its even work friendly if you can get to Youtube.
Date: 08/08/08 03:24 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:More Savage fame! We're gonna need an agent soon...
Date: 08/09/08 11:10 AM
Name: Aaron
Message:Savages, What a great Ragbrai that was. Thank you all for comming and I hope we can do one just like it next year. I would like to remind you that Oktoberfest will be here in a couple of weeks (Sept. 26 27 and 28th) and I would love to have you all back for a bus ride to LaCrosse. Call me if you plan to be there or if you have questions.
Date: 08/09/08 11:17 AM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message:I have a problem and I think you can help me. I have a garage FULL of lost and found Savage gear, I have; tents, air mattresses, sleeping bags, under garments, shower kits, clothing, booze, shoes and biking sandles, socks, towels, coolers, helmets, camel back, rain flys, bike parts, and anything else you may need to go on ragbrai. Please come get your stuff. I will hold on to it till Oktoberfest then it is all going by-by. If you are a Savage who can't get here please call me. I will set your goodies aside. I hate to throw this stuff away, alot of it is nice, but I hate parking out side in the winter even more. I love you all but that does not mean I love your stuff. Thanks in advance for hooking this brother up.
Date: 08/10/08 04:14 PM
Name: Donna
Message:Aaron, will there be a showing at the RASH ride? And if so, what are the overnight arraingements?
Date: 08/11/08 06:27 PM
Name: Donna
Message:BLONDETOBERFEST! You may remember that ride ended with us dropping off Randy at a clinic and then peeling out of town. Well it's that time of year again. This year it will be on Sept. 20th. Check for more details. Hope we can do it again!
Date: 08/12/08 08:43 AM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message: Donna you are so right. Saturday Aug 30th will be the RASH ride.The bus will be there Friday night and be ready for the big party on Saturday. There will be camping at The Big House down town Independence so no excuse for drinking and driving. Sunday and Monday we will be boating and maybe a little biking so bring your swim suits. There are rumors that Donna, Tara, and Roy will be there this year and maybe a couple other dusty Savages from far away. If you have never been on the Wapsi river on Labor Day this trip will be worth it for boat ride, sun shine, and swimming alone. I hope to see you there and if you have questions, as Savages often do, plese call me.
Date: 08/12/08 11:03 PM
Name: Heather
Message:I'm there! Rumor has it that Randy Ferry might make an appearance as well, maybe he can bring the candy???? LOL Is anyone riding tomorrow (Wed) night with Team Stiff? John, are you in this week? I'm not sure if I'm up for it yet, but I think I'm gonna give it a shot....or drink lots of shots to numb the pain :)
Date: 08/17/08 05:38 PM
Name: Jim-Team Blonde
Message:Hey Savages, It was good to see so many of you having fun at Brooklyn, Iowa. I almost didn't recognize everyone without the kilts and cheerleader outfits. On another topic, hopefully we can do some partying together at Blondtoberfest if not before.
Date: 08/18/08 07:54 PM
Name: Tara
Message: Hopefully you Savages survived Don's birthday party and there are no bits of kilts scattered across Iowa. Donna and I had to win the Moonlight Ramble without you, but we definately represented. Keep your eyes peeled for utube footage documenting our awesomeness!
Date: 08/20/08 12:30 PM
Name: John
Message:WNBC ride tonight leaves Mahoneys @ 6. You should come!
Date: 08/25/08 04:01 PM
Name: Brian (pussycam)
Email: ride idea
Message:Every year there is a beer tasting event at iowa city that is a lot of fun. Last year martin (tall german dude) and i rode our bikes from CR down to IC and hitched a ride back. Anybody interesting in going? Its sept 20.
Date: 08/26/08 11:43 AM
Name: Amy
Message:Hey Brian--Blondtoberfest is the weekend of September 20th. FYI. We take the bus and a bunch of savages to Moline where we bike, drink, and have naked pogo stick competitions:)
Date: 08/26/08 03:11 PM
Name: Donna
Message:Thanks for the reminder Amy. I hope more will be joining us for the awesome time at Blondetoberfest SEPT 20....ahem "Dulle"
Date: 08/26/08 03:13 PM
Name: brian
Message:Naked pogo-stick competitions? Is pogo-stick a metaphor for something? If so, i have one. Its usually dressed though.
Date: 08/26/08 11:29 PM
Name: Secret Asian Man
Date: 08/28/08 02:17 PM
Name: Tara
Message:I'm in for blondetoberfest! I'll miss you guys this weekend:)
Date: 08/28/08 05:41 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Hey all - looking forward to the RASH! I have an extra Savages kilt in size Large if anyone's interested. Only worn a few times, freshly laundered - and if you have any qualms about having a "used" kilt, you should only wish that some of what I am packing had worn off in it.
Date: 09/01/08 10:16 PM
Name: Martin
Message:Savages, You guys are awesome! But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, right? Still, I feel compelled to write and thank you all for the great time I had during RASH RIDE. Now that I have two events with the Savages under my belt (RAGBRAI and RASH), I still don't know everybody's name - even though I don't get nowhere near as drunk as a proper Savage should get on those occasions - and I guess I'll just have to keep coming back and get to know the rest of the team and names (and get more drunk). John/Dr. Kickass: Thanks for writing your highly entertaining stories, please keep writing! Megan: Thanks for an almost unlimited supply of Boone's Farm. When did I start liking that incredibly sweet stuff? :-) Roy: It was a pleasure to meet you on RASH. I think I'll take that kilt if you still have it, so I can see if everything you guys tell me about wearing them is true! Where shall I send the money? Also: Bedankt voor uw commentaren! Ik ben zeker het ooit adviseert waardevol zal zijn. (Sorry for my poor attempt, your German is much better than my Dutch.) Brian: Thanks a lot for introducing me to the Savages! Hope the pictures I took with the pussycam turned out alright :-) Hope to see you all again soon!
Date: 09/02/08 06:14 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Martin, Lassen Sie mich den ersten sein, zum offiziell an Bord zu sagen, Willkommen! The next Savage gathering is expected to be the Blondetoberfest Ride on 20 September, if you can make it. Shoot me an email for kilt details - and let me second Marty's comment - this RASH kicked all form of ass! Easily the best "weekend road trip" to Iowa I've ever made. Thanks to all who came - what a riot!
Date: 09/03/08 03:46 PM
Name: donna
Message:Brian, do you have pics from RASH? Hoping someone captured the ridiculous amount of fun we had. Thanks Savages, one of my favorite times yet!
Date: 09/03/08 09:45 PM
Name: Mr. Baum (if your nasty)
Message:What a great Rash ride and all the fun that happened after. Special thanks to Gary and Shela, Bob Troutner, Julie Lotz, and my parents. They are all great hosts and the weekend could not happen with out them. Unfortunatly they all have way too much class to read this web site so they will never see this.
Date: 09/04/08 12:07 PM
Name: Randy F
Message:Yes...very good time on RASH, I think. But, did anyone see who might have punched me in the nose, 'cause my face still hurts from Sunday night.
Date: 09/04/08 05:39 PM
Name: Aaron
Email: 319 551 7898
Message:Savages, Soon once again it will time for battle. We are undefeated at the Blondtober fest in Moline and we have been invited by Team Blond captian Cory to defend our title. I have talked to Dave Yordy and he has his house ready and the Pogo stick warmed up. The ride is Saturday Sept. 20th. I thought we could head down that day and then head back the 21st. Call me if you have concerns.
Date: 09/04/08 05:56 PM
Name: Aaron
Email: Oktoberfest
Message:Oktoberfest will be September 26 27 and 28 this year and we will be staying in LaCrosse wi. No bicycles will be allowed but you can bring your lederhosen.
Date: 09/07/08 10:42 AM
Name: Secret Asian Man
Message:randy...i remember watching some townie donkey punch you, but im not sure if he hit you in your face too.
Date: 09/07/08 08:22 PM
Name: Martin
Message:Hey Savages, as some of you know by now, when I go on a ride I usually feel compelled to make it a real workout. Well, at least once a year I make a big exception to this rule: We call it the "Tour de Cedar Rapids", a name and ride that was conceived after a disappointingly beer-less (almost) Tour de Brew (the annual ride from Iowa City to the Amanas). It's a party ride, 11 miles long with ten bars on the way - really bar hopping on wheels. Need I say more? This year, the event is scheduled for the 27th of September. It was a lot of fun last year, so we are hoping for a great ride again this time around. Details are posted here:
Date: 09/08/08 04:54 PM
Name: pussycam
Message:I do have pictures of rash. But i have to edit out the booby shots. I will keep them for evidence of course. Will send link to all who desire.
Date: 09/08/08 09:18 PM
Message:Randy, I think the person that punched you in the nose punched me in the eye. Dirty SOB. I have hemoragenic conjunctuvitis (bleeding eyeball). I call it "Going Big". We will totally win at Blondetoberfest this year just because my sister is coming... And I need serious revenge against "Corey" aka "Sparkles". We will most likely meet you all in Moline Sat. morning. They host an awesome party Fri night that I just can't resist.
Date: 09/08/08 11:46 PM
Name: Aaron
Message:Hey Martin, Do you relize that you are pimping a party ride that is during my beloved Oktoberfest on this web site? Not realy cool with that... Ok here is what we do, 1. forget what you where thinking, 2. cancel what ever ride you planed and 3. get on the bus at my house at noon Sept. 26th, go to Oktoberfest with the your buddies and the Savages. We will show you a cool weekend that you could not have seen coming. Don't make a fuss, get on the bus. To be honest your ride sounds like it sucks.
Date: 09/09/08 06:04 AM
Name: DDD~~
Message:That a boy Aaron! Start with a few Rabbit punches to keep the future savage on track and any other savage that might be confused which foot hits the bus steps first! If there are still signs of confusion don’t hold back bring out the big gun and Donkey punch Martin and all his friends if they don’t get on the flaming bus!!
Date: 09/09/08 01:23 PM
Name: brian
Message:I almost hate to mention this after the beating martin took about his ride, but here goes. For those of you who are not going to blondtoberfest, martin and i are going to ride down to the beer tasting festival in coralville on the 20th. Its a good time and always plenty of beer. Here is the link to bikeiowa: Not sure if anyone else is going but we will carry on the proud savage tradition anyway.
Date: 09/19/08 03:31 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Hey, Guess we're fighting a multi-front battle on sobriety (that evil nemesis that plagues you all at work and me in front of my tv) Adam W., The Todd and myself will be going to Sloof ride (opposite of fools) tomorrow in Brandon. Adam and myself will be doing recon work in Cedar Falls tonight. Anyquestions or helpful advice call 641-580-1479
Date: 09/19/08 04:00 PM
Name: the Secret Asian Man
Message:I'm typing for Amy because her internet is broken. Something came up and now it looks like Tara and Tara's sister (i think her name is Debbie, or Diana, or Donna or something that starts with a D?), Amy, Aaron, and I are not going to blondetoberfest tomorrow. But the other fest this month is certainly still on! See you all next weekend in LaCrosse.
Date: 09/24/08 12:04 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Something to heed before becoming annoyed at the police who may someday try to harsh our mellow::::: SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- As if getting a DUI wasn’t enough, a man arrested for driving under the influence got in a lot more trouble at the police station. Police stopped Jose Cruz on Route 60 in South Charleston Monday night for driving with his headlights off. Then, he failed sobriety tests and was arrested. When police were trying to get fingerprints, police say Cruz moved closer to the officer and passed gas on him. The investigating officer remarked in the criminal complaint that the odor was very strong. Cruz is now charged with battery on a police officer, as well as DUI and obstruction. ::::: So remember - driving drunk is bad, but farting near a cop will get you charged with assault. Switch to Scotch now, bitches!
Date: 09/25/08 02:39 PM
Name: Jacob Spath
Message:Hey, Just a FYI for any non-festers, I'll be in Kilt Force at the Tommy Ride in CF this weekend. Let me know if I should look for anyone, or don't if you feel like less of a man standing next to me.
Date: 10/02/08 09:33 AM
Name: minnesota game
Message:Hey savages-- we are heading to Minnesota this year for the Iowa/Minnesota game at the end of November. I think its the weekend of the 22nd or around there. We head up Friday night, stay at a hotel, head to the game on Saturday and come back on Sunday all hung over. We are making hotel arrangements and need to know numbers, whoever is interested. Let Amy or Aaron know soon.
Date: 10/07/08 07:53 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Cheers all - My phone suffered massive, catastrophic structural failure yesterday while in my front pocket, competing for space in my pants with my junk, and had to be replaced. Unfortunately, the SIM card did not transfer the numbers stored within and consequently, I can't call any of you. While some may find that highly agreeable, I think it sucks, so if you would please, shoot me an email with your number so I can at least look at your number on occasion and think of you fondly.
Date: 10/07/08 03:51 PM
Name: DDD~
Message:Roy funny thing I too have had my turn with technology! My phone has lost all the hot naked pictures of all the HOT savage women and other women nakedness from the past years of driving RAGBRAI They are all gone!! So if any of the women that feel sorry about my loss can shoot me an Email with your naked pictures so I can have them again would be great!!
Date: 10/09/08 01:14 PM
Name: Jacob
Message:Funny stuff, my phone ran away on Sloof ride! So I don't have anyone's number anymore! If you want me to have it email is awesome, otherwise I'll just not call you.
Date: 10/15/08 05:48 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Cheers all - wondering if anyone's making it to the Tally Halloween Pub Crawl and/or the Ghouls Gone Wild Ride later that same day - 01 November. Also, are the Bud Girls going to do their party? Possibility I might make it...
Date: 10/21/08 12:35 AM
Name: pussycam
Message:As the pussycam i have many pictures of hot naked savage woman. It's too bad i do not have signed release forms because i would to share them with the world. I guess i will have to keep enjoying them by myself. *sigh*
Date: 10/28/08 03:49 PM
Name: pussycam
Message:Can anybody tell me about the party going on this weekend? I heard about a party sat night and a ride on saturday. Is anybody going?
Date: 11/24/08 08:33 PM
Name: donna
Message:John Dulle A big thanks for introducing me to Clutch... Hope you come back to the land up under-over
Date: 12/05/08 01:40 PM
Name: Roy
Message:Verily, a most wonderful time was had by all in the warm sun and waters of Mexico - much alcohol (and one Canadian twit) was abused and our awesomeness was on full display. Anyone wanting pics need only request them. Counting down 24 months already...
Date: 12/10/08 10:29 AM
Name: Don Davis
Message:Hey savages, Im putting together a ski trip the 26th of Dec. at Sundown the cost is $39 for lift, Ski or snowboard rental or $25 for just a lift ticket, hours are 9 to 9. just need to let me know by the 25th you plus how many? I will have my boys and a few of Holly’s family is going should be a great time!!
Date: 12/17/08 10:28 PM
Name: John
Message:Has anyone been to tilted kilt yet? It's awesome they totally stole the savage women catholic school girl outfit. Right down to the sports kilt skirts
Date: 12/19/08 10:03 AM
Name: Roy
Message:Sounds as though there needs to be an awesome Savage fest at this Tilted Kilt place, in full regalia with much flashing of oversize genitalia. That being the case, I'd better be there.
Date: 12/21/08 11:53 AM
Name: John
Message:New years party at the Dulle house this year. Come one come all.
Date: 12/24/08 02:33 PM
Name: Roy
Message:As Christmas Eve kicks off, let me wish all of you a warm, safe, and loving Holiday Season. You truly are the best bunch of people in the world and I am proud to count you as friends. May all your hopes and dreams be answered by your appropriate Santa, and I look forward to seeing you at BRR.